TL;DR : I don’t care what you do, you can do whatever you wanna do…… why am i so jealous and frustrated about anything you do?

I never publicly post my problems but this is kind of my last hope so here we go. I am a guy and iv been with my girlfriend for around 5 months now. Around the middle of the second month i started getting jealous of things that my gf does that i shouldn’t be getting jealous about. For example, me and her are friends with who we will call Ray (F). Me and Ray are good friends and have been since middle school and i never got frustrated when they would talk to my gf but now anytime they talk to her i get extremely frustrated and extremely jealous and i have no idea why remind you they started being friends in elementary. I feel like crap too because she doesn’t have that many friends and only talks to a couple people.

Around a month back we had a famous entrepreneur come to our town and I knew she was going but with her family and I couldn’t sit by her. Around when it got to around the middle of the presentation i noticed she was only a couple rows ahead of me and was sitting with Ray and they were being friendly and i just got extremely jealous and frustrated to the point where i had to actually get up and leave to avoid freaking out. Even if shes just texting people i get jealous. When I was around 13-14 I was in a very manipulative relationship ( not dating just friends with benefits and being led on ) with a girl we will call Sadie. The relationship with Sadie started off great ( as great as it can get for 13-14 year old) but as it went on it got way worse. Towards the 2 month mark they started talking to other guys while still talking to me and i hadn’t been in more than 1 other relationship before then so i didn’t know that i was being led on.

It started to become an issue and i started realizing that it wasn’t okay and i told her about how i felt and she told me that i was ” Overreacting” and to ” Calm down” and as the disregardant kid that i was i believed her. It had only gotten worse overtime to the point where i started getting angry anytime she started talking to other people. Whenever I start feeling jealous it gets extremely hard for me to talk to people especially my gf because i just get so heated and i have no idea why. I feel crappy about being like this because i don’t know how to control myself when it happens and than i feel like a crappy boyfriend because she doesn’t deserve this.I know she is 100 percent loyal but i cant help it. I just feel like a crappy human being and I don’t know what to do.

I am seeing a therapist due to being diagnosed with depression and i brought it up to him but he didn’t really help me that much and kind of disregarded it. I’m open to any suggestions I really just want to know what’s wrong with me.

  1. Relationships can be hard when you are young and still working it all out. You have taken a very good first step by understanding that the jealousy you are feeling is unreasonable, and trying to get control over it.

    Bring it up with your therapist again. Emphasize that this is a major issue having a negative effect on your life, and that *you need his help* to overcome it.

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