Commercials, lunches, etc. If my sister didn’t get a gift on mother’s day she’d bitch. She bitched that no one did enough as is.

Today I didn’t even get a text from her.

Men do get the short end. I had lunch with my son but it was like pulling teeth and I had to pay.

ETA : Happy Fathers Day fellas!

  1. Got my pops a card and a ton of chocolate he likes. Then we went to harbor freight.

  2. I got a couple of happy father’s day wishes but that was it. I went shopping cooked, cleaned, did laundry (my typical Sunday routine). Got no special treatment or gift. My son is 15 but seems to be clueless. My girl seems to think it’s not important despite me making sure her kids and mine get her something and I make sure to do extra so she has to do nothing on MD or her BD. Eh, so is the life of a man. Work, pay bills and die early of heart failure. I’ll be sure to enjoy myself every chance I get until then. Even if it breaks the “rules”

  3. Honestly, I don’t really care. Of course, I am also not the type to make a big deal out of my birthday either.

    My kids aren’t in much position to buy me stuff nor would I want them to waste money on trinkets. I’ve gotten a couple texts…mostly other father’s, which is nice but otherwise I don’t put much mind to it.

    I suggest you don’t either…since it seems to bother you. I don’t think it’s worth getting frustrated about

  4. Happy Father’s Day to the good dads, stepdads, father figures and mentors here. As someone who had an abusive piece of shit for a father, you’re more important than you’ll ever know. I appreciate you and I hope you’re celebrating yourselves today if no one is celebrating you. Cheers.

  5. The tradition of men giving gifts to women is a very long one. The male is the one who woos the female with flowers and candy and perfume and love poetry and all that stuff. Traditionally the man buys the ring and asks the woman to marry him. (We see it in nature, too. With birds for example, many times the male builds the nest or selects the nesting spot and then tries to impress the female to come and be his mate.)

    So there’s a whole culture and industry built around buying gifts for the women in your life. When Mother’s Day came along, it was very easy to incorporate as a holiday right along with Valentine’s Day.

    However, there’s not as much cultural reinforcement around buying gifts for men. Men have always been expected to provide for themselves. Women weren’t even allowed to work or earn their own money for a long time, so a culture of shopping for men just wasn’t natural or–more important–profitable to retailers.

    So Father’s Day doesn’t have the tradition and culture and industry built up to support it. I expect that’s the sort of thing that will change more and more as time goes on and “traditional” sex roles become more equal and sensible. But cultural change happens slowly. It’s better to take the long view. A few hundred years from now, this probably won’t be an issue.

  6. I always take my dad out for dinner and get him something he’d like. This year he got a charcoal grill he wanted. (I’m a woman) I always make a big deal about birthdays, holidays and special occasions. I call my ex husband to wish him a happy father’s day and give my kids money to pick something out for him. He sends me flowers on mothers day.

  7. Had a good day. Out to breakfast with my wife. Got a new grill and cooked dinner for the family. Could be worse

  8. my wife got me new slides and my daughter got me a wireless pair of headphones. i went to work this morning, mowed the grass after, cleaned and did laundry. but the girls genuinely cared about me today and are making me dinner. doesn’t seem like dads get the same type of day as the moms so i’m a very lucky dad

  9. See my thoughts on this is basically, fathers day is about my kids for now. Because they are still young (7 and 8) and they are the reason I am a father.

    I got cards and they made me an ice-cream cake.

  10. I’m a dad of 2 wonderful, healthy, active kids. Idgaf about Father’s day. It’s some made up BS. I told my family I didn’t want a card or any of that stuff. I attended my son’s swim meet this morning. I train my daughter and coach her soccer team. They’re respectful to others. Their grades are excellent. Those are my gifts.

  11. I’m sorry things aren’t equal in your family. Growing up my family was always big into celebrations…any excuse to make delicious food. Mom’s are generally a lot easier to shop for than dad’s. I never knew what to get my dad for the longest time until I turned 21 and would buy him a bottle of Jameson. He seemed pretty satisfied with that. Haha. Recently lost my dad and this is the first fathers day without him. Drinking Jameson in his honor.

    I don’t know the dynamic of your family but tell them you want all the bells and whistles next year! You deserve a good father’s day.

  12. Why the fuck would you give your sister a gift on Mother’s Day? She’s not your mom

  13. I got to talk to both my dad and my father in law on the phone. That’s the highlight for as none of us are very into keeping up on each other. Everything else can be the same and I’m good.

  14. I got a call from my Daughter (27) that lives in a different state. We had a long conversation about the various things going on in our lives. My son (11) made a card for me. It’s nice to be appreciated. My Girlfriend however did buy me some freaking awesome cigars for Fathers Day though 😁 Happy Father’s Day to all you Dads out there!

  15. I bought my dad an awsome broncos poncho. He absolutely loved it

    I was gonna get his vintage radio fixed but I took it in too late so that’s gonna be his birthday present instead

  16. Got my dad a $90 bottle of Whiskey and even visited him at the Fire Station today with my kids.

    Happy Father’s Day gentlemen

  17. I mean. I tell my MOM and my girl happy mother’s day. That’s it. My girl is taking me out to dinner after we went to the park with the kids. Need to find yourself a good woman who respects you. So long as you’re respectable

  18. No idea… last year my ex sent my kid away to the zoo for the weekend on Father’s Day without consulting me so I had to book my kids for Father’s Day this year. All I wanted was a picnic with the kids and it was a hassle vs. she wants an entire Mother’s Day weekend of going out with her friends (I don’t complain cuz that means I get the kiddos to myself) funny thing is when she sent them away we were together and it took separation from her for her to care that I wanted the kids for Father’s Day

  19. as a married dad – for mother’s day – i got cards (one ‘from’ each kid, included for grandmothers), flowers (3 sets for wife, and each grandmother), small gifts, had the kids (ages 2-8) make mom a picture of mom and kid doing something fun. Took mom and MIL out for dinner (with the family), made breakfast that morning, had chilled champagne for mimosas…. a really nice day for my wife.

    Plus school each had the kids make mom something as well.

    For Father’s day – a single card from everyone. That’s it.

    I was expected to not only go shopping for food, but also cook it (no wife getting it and letting me cook but telling me it was needed that I go get everything). Then prep everything, cut up fruit, make the guac, make the burgers, but wife did offer to clean up after i just left everything there.

    I try not to be bitter, but the fact that what i did was “standard and expected” and the wife couldn’t even come close to matching and then gets upset if i say anything about how little effort and planning she puts in isn’t really ok to me.

  20. I got to play footy this morning with my mates. Had lunch with my two daughters and missus. Got a babysitter and me and the wife went out for a few cheeky bevy’s…. Perfect day and I got fuck all in the way of gifts or messages ha now I’m sat in the deck with a few Miller High Life’s cause I’m not at work tomorrow…. Boom

  21. Got a visit from 2 out of 3 kids. Visited my wife’s dad and grandpa. Had some beers. FaceTimed the oldest kid. No complaints. I’m a no fuss guy. No fuss is what I got.

  22. Father of two here all I ask for is the same thing I get every year. Pictures of them, I keep them all in a frame to remind me how much they change every year

  23. My wife and I have been separated since February, we have 2 boys. For Mothers Day I took her to a penguin feeding and meet and greet (her favorite) animal) and then a good BBQ dinner. She got cards, flowers, wine and gifts.

    For fathers day, I got off work at 6am, picked up OJ and chocolate milk, cooked breakfast for me, her and the kids before I drove to my mothers to sleep before coming back to work tonight because I can’t take off. My kids drew me cards and I was given a tumbler and bar of soap, but its not about the gifts. Its about the care and effort that goes into it.

    Definitely makes a dude feel less.

  24. Doesn’t work like that in
    My house. Whoever’s day it is, they get to sleep and relax and I got my husband so tech gifts and just left him a quiet home.

  25. My kids are with me. That’s all I care about. Wish they hadnt been assholes all weekend but it is what it is.

    Got a text from their mom. Probably the nicest, most touching thing she has ever said to me.

  26. Dad’s 81. My sister made all these plans to get really expensive takeout, a lavish gift, and invited everybody over to his place. We were talking before dinner and I asked if he wanted anything else.

    He said everything was great, but honestly, he would’ve been fine with just being left the fuck alone to do whatever he wanted today lol.

    All of my buddies with kids were also commiserating on our group chat about being woken up early by the wives to help with errands, clean the house before company arrived, etc.

    If I ever have kids, I think I’m going to go with Dad’s request.

  27. Went on a family friendly trail by the water with wife, baby, and dog. She got me a new carrier for the baby, lunch, made dinner, and got me plants (which I love). My daughter got me slippers, candle, and a personal drawing of batman holding a potted plant. Sons got me plants and drawings. GREAT day!!

  28. Father of two. I didn’t have to deal with pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding etc.. yes i deal with tons of other stuff but if she gets a bigger Mother’s Day for the biological pains she has to go through then that’s fine by me.

  29. I think it’s weird you expect your sister to say happy Father’s Day. I think it’s weird she expects anything from you on Mother’s Day. I think it’s weird when people say happy mother/Father’s Day to anyone that isn’t their mother of father. I think it’s weird people texted me happy Father’s Day because I have 2 cats. These are not humans.

  30. My stepdad is very frugal but he loves coffee, especially cappuccinos. He recently retired and so won’t have the free fancy office coffee machines available to him anymore and was going to stick with Nescafé coffee at home.

    My brother overheard him lamenting the loss of his fancy coffee to my mom, so we bought an expensive coffee machine for Father’s Day that will allow him to make his own cappuccinos at home. I’ve also set up a monthly gourmet coffee subscription for him so he can enjoy the variety/quality he would have had at the office too.

    He has *always* insisted we return any gifts we try to buy him (which of course we never do) but this time, for the first time in 19 years, he was so happy he simply said, “Thank you, I love it.”

    Still riding that high.

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