It often feels like I have no idea what or who people are talking about and that I’m the last one to understand jokes. I also have a hard time hearing/understanding the words people are saying, and they get annoyed when I ask them to repeat themselves.

Just looking for tips on what I can do to make better conversation with my coworkers & how tf I can start understanding people better. It’s frustrating that I can’t build stronger relationships with the people I see 5 days a week because I’m so aloof.

  1. You are too serious u can talk to anyone and u dont need anything in common with them. Just talk about things around u but dont make it weird and say random shit just to have a conversation. Say funny stuff about things u see around u for example.

  2. I’d go get your hearing checked, you could have tinnitus, an occulsion of some sort, or need hearing aids? Read through the local headlines every day before work also. Befriend them on FB, if that’s appropriate. Make sure it’s not anxiety deafness also, try to relax. Being a good listener is also very valuable, you don’t have to be good at speaking to be liked.

  3. Re repeating themselves: They’ll live, and I don’t know why people are being jerks about that lately.

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