I hooked up with this guy and after he left I realized I had gotten my period. (I have a moderately new IUD so my cycle is very sporadic) He didn’t mention anything but I’m certain he noticed. How should I broach the topic, as I want to hook up with him again? I feel like I shouldn’t ignore it. Thank you so much for any advice:)

  1. You don’t need to apologize. I think a lot of us would just think o shit that’s blood I should get in the shower. No chance that would bother me.

  2. Don’t say anything unless he says something. I remember when my wife and I were dating early on she started her period. I knew because I had a little red on my t shirt after. I mentioned it later that night when she got home. It was just out of curiosity. She said yes and it was left at that.

  3. Honestly, I can’t think of a “normal” way to bring it up. I’d also mention that for a great many of us, even if we *did* notice, it wouldn’t matter.

  4. It’s a normal body function. It’s too bad it happened but he should understand it’s not your fault.

  5. You don’t need to. A period is a natural body function that you can’t control.

  6. Only if you really feel like it needs to be said or comes up, exactly what you said to us with the new IUD and it being sporadic. I would just say that you didn’t notice it at the time and you hope it doesn’t change anything between you two. Don’t include “Sorry” it’s natural.

  7. You don’t need to. It eventually happens to everyone. Probably a few times.

  8. You don’t apologize to anyone for being a woman…that’s crazy to think that you owe anything to a dude that was already allowed into the party. IMO, you enter the party at your own risk – PERIOD.

  9. “Sorry, just giving you your blood wings” lol

    At least, that’s what bAcK iN mY dAy we said in the Army ha

  10. No need. You didn’t know that or control that

    Happened with me once …. think it must have started just after cus I didn’t notice any blood on me but she said to me a little after that at least she knew she wasn’t pregnant … then had to more bluntly explain a couple of times what she meant to young dumb me. Left a bit of blood on my bedsheets too, but not even slightly a thing.

  11. Nothing, it’s natrual.
    Also I don’t care to be honest, I’d still fuck haha

  12. Just say “Sorry about not mentioning anything about my virginity!”

  13. Firstly you don’t. I’d never expect or ask my gf to apologize for having her period happen. It’s not something she can control. People who can’t let go of shit that they can’t control aren’t fun to be around.

  14. Make a big uterus-shaped cake that says SORRY spelled out with raspberry jam.

    The best way out of this is to own it and make it… Hysterical (😆😆😆)

  15. You could just tell him this “After we hooked up I noticed that I was bleeding. Don’t worry, you didn’t hurt me or anything. Looks like my period arrived earlier than expected.”

    I wouldn’t think that saying sorry was necessary.

  16. You don’t, if he doesn’t like that tell him to fuck guys, I had sex with a woman and she bleed a bit on the sheets, I didn’t say anything because she’s a woman and women do that from time to time.

  17. Well for starters, don’t apologize. If you wanna hook up again, just ask him if he wants to hook up again. If he noticed you were on your period and he was mature enough, it either 1. Wouldn’t be an issue, or 2. He would bring it up in a kind way if it bothered him.

  18. I’m not even scrolling through all these comments, I’m just gonna assume they all say the same thing. I’ll add to it because it needs to be said until it becomes the accepted reality.

    You don’t apologize. There’s nothing been done that needs or would ever need an apology. Any man who says differently or makes you feel differently has some serious growing up to do at the very best, or is just plain not worth your very valuable time at worst.

  19. I am very confident in my tact and tone so this may work for you or it may not. I wouldn’t apologise so much as thank him for being cool about it. If you need a script:
    “Hey, thanks so much for being so chill about the unexpected bleeding the other night, hope you weren’t too uncomfortable. I’d really like to see you again”

  20. You noticed. He noticed. No words need to be said. I’m guessing that you are a bit embarrassed which is fine. There will likely be other embarrassing sexual situations that you will have over your lifetime. It’s just part of life and intimacy.

  21. My favorite was a girl who looked at me, shrugged, and said “I’m a mammal”

  22. Any man of decent character or better wouldn’t care, he probably doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable by saying anything but probably thought nothing of it (24m here)

  23. If he didn’t mention it, it’s safe to assume it didn’t bother him. I’d never expect an apology for something like that. Sex is a full contact sport. Bodily fluids will be spilled.

  24. Um…you don’t! It happens! You have as much control over it as he has when he cums and says he can’t help it 😉

  25. I mean, I agree with what people are saying that you should be ashamed of your period, but I mean it wouldn’t be ridiculous to just say like hey btw I didn’t realize I was on my period that night, sorry for not being able to give you a heads up.

    You can say sorry for potentially making someone uncomfortable without apologizing for your body.

  26. More men have taught me that I don’t need to apologize for my bodily functions than I thought.

    So I’m willing to bet you don’t need to say sorry for anything.

  27. Honestly not that big of a deal. A lot of us are still cool with period sex. Maybe he is not one of those people, but that doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. If he makes a big deal of it or is upset then he’s wack and you should find someone else.

  28. You don’t have to apologize for this. It’s natural, imo if a man wants to be with a woman he should be ok with it.

  29. If you who cannot handle the off chance of some blood then don’t go sticking your penis in orifices that bleed every month is my humble take on this. No one should have to apologise for a having a relatively normal functioning vagina. If he is scared away by this then good riddance.

    The irregular bleeding is also a consequence of being saddled with the burden of being the one managing the birth control. It’s painful, expensive, takes time putting it in/getting it out, side effects, potential risks etc. All that work you do should mean that people don’t get to give you shit about a small issue like this. Btw, remember how they scrapped the male pill because the side effects were unacceptable? How strange, considering they are the about same as the ones women on the pill have had to deal with since it hit the market decades ago.

  30. If he expects an apology for this then you probably don’t want to waste more time on him anyway

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