I am 26m and am okay with being alone for the rest of my life. i have never really connected with someone or have had a genuine relationship. Like while everyone in my highschool was dating i have always been indifferent to it. I guess its just my personality, but social pressure from parents and family makes me think i might be missing out on something important that i will later regret.

But reading through these posts makes me not want to ever try dating everyone is so toxic. Playing dumb mind games or rejecting for a petty reason. Plus i have never been aproached by a girl before or have one show interest in me. So my question is it really even worth trying in the 1st place. Like i have gotten this far alone and have become happy living these way. Just for a girl to ruin my life and leave me for some stupid reason. Because it seems that in today’s dating game, everything you do is a red flag.

I dont want to play childish games with woman my age and i dont want to look after broken woman in their 30s with kids either.

  1. Of course, I can assure you absolutely no one gives a flying fuck about you staying single. From the reads of it it doesn’t sound like women around you are missing out either. By you staying single for life and not dating, everyone wins.

  2. I’d stop reading the internet for a while if I came to that conclusion about life.

    Have you ever considered speaking with a therapist?

  3. So are you trying to be convinced otherwise? It sounds like you made up your mind already.

  4. maybe you’re aromantic? If you don’t want those kinds of relationships don’t have them. But if you do then don’t blame other people for not having them. You don’t have to pressure yourself into relationships, there are other sources of fulfilment such as friendship and career goals. Do whatever makes you happy as long as it doesn’t hurt others.

  5. You know I get where you might be coming from. Tbh most people are fine. Sure socialization can be idiotic at times and people do dumb shit.

    Im not gonna assume anything about you or throw a bunch of nonsense at you like some in here are. All I can say is if your happy single then stay single.

    Why make this post to begin with because you seem like you have a negative view on women. Misogyny/Misandry are all things out there with men and women and its all close minded bullshit. I recommend not summing up dating by some crazy stories you hear.

    For example I was treated like shit by my ex, she gaslit me, played with my emotions, always made herself the victim etc. And when i say play with my emotions i mean like threatening to cheat on me or suicide, she even cut herself on her leg with a razor. Really twisted stuff.

    She at the end of the day is my ex for that reason. She was deeply disturbed and had many mental health problems. Do i just slag off all women and dating cause of that? No of course not, shes an individual and not indicative of all women and dating.

  6. Try to be a good human, be kind keeping learning about yourself and be in the world when you can. Its a mental world, changing so much since the internet. totally valid to go be a hermit if thats what feels right fo you.

  7. Im in the exact same boat. I feel like a lot of guys like you and me, OP, are just giving up on dating because it seems like unless you are in the top 1% of guys (in terms of physique, wealth, and personality), women just don’t even see you as an option. So what’s the point in trying?

  8. Lol I get this. When I was 20s I took whatever relationships fell into my lap. Now I’m divorced full time dad I’m the broken dude in my 30s. I’ve kind been okay with the idea of being single forever. I’ve kind of wanted to date too but not sure how to make the transition to meet anybody. Think sometimes it’s our own mindset that is defeating us.

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