I recently tried getting into the dating game with a girl I thought was amazing. Unfortunately it didn’t work and part of the reason I think is because I’m so inexperienced. I was probably making so many mistakes that only highschoolers would normally make and I was way too invested compared to her because it was the first person Id ever went on dates with vs to her it was just another talking stage.

By contrast, this girl (and everyone I know almost) has had multiple exes, a ton of sexual experiences and a lot of different dates and people they’ve met to draw on.

Im turning 22 soon and I have none of this. If I had even a single past gf maybe I’d feel fine but the fact that the most I’ve done is kiss a girl once or twice makes me feel super out of my depth. Do I accept that I’m screwed?

  1. Why are you screwed? You’re getting that experience now and you’ll learn quick.

    Everyone goes at different paces. You’re doing this now. What you didn’t do then doesn’t matter.

    And dude, you’re 22. You are so young you don’t even realise how young you are!

    Take it easy, be kind to yourself and don’t take things too seriously while you’re learning what dating is for you. Enjoy!

  2. You’re not screwed. You’ll learn the ins and outs it will just take some time. Be patient and don’t beat yourself up over it.

  3. Lol at 22 you’re still in your early twenties, my guy. All you can do from here is continue to have these experiences and learn from them. You’re still learning about yourself too. Take it one day at a time.

  4. Hey! You’re only screwed if you believe you’re screwed! Youre still young af, you got lots of time to meet new ppl and learn more about relationships and most importantly learn more about yourself! We’re all lost and nobody knows what the hell they’re doing so don’t be too hard on yourself. Just go with the flow and you’ll meet the one

  5. Keep practicing. Date WIDELY and NON-EXCLUSIVELY (that means lots of different women) until you’re 30+. By that time, you’ll not only have a clear idea of who you’re looking for, but have the experience with women to keep that girl that meets your criteria.

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