Went out with this girl on a first date, and it went “meh” because we didn’t have a chance to open up. I don’t think she had a great time, but surprised me by kissing me before saying goodbye.

I texted her the day after and later in the week, asked her out again, and I got hugely ignored – only very few text lines here and there. I even called her – no reply.

After a week I leave her a voice message saying that I wish our first date went differently because we didn’t really have a chance to connect. I told her I think it’s worth giving it another shot, but it’s okay if she doesn’t want to see me again, just to let me know.

She told me she didn’t think **I** was interested **in her**, and then didn’t write me back when I told her I wanted to see her again. I made myself very clear without overdoing it.

Now, I understand she’s not interested, but how costly is it to her to just be polite and say she’s not interested? I don’t usually get this treatment from women and I find it very immature.

If you’re bothered by me asking you out again, tell me, or block me, don’t just leave me on read – “thank you but you’re not my type”.

Leaving things like this is sloppy and ugly, unless there’s a rare chance she might want to see me and is undecided.

Is this a case of conflict-avoidance behavior?

Have you ever experienced the same?

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