I have an important History paper I have to hand in soon and was doing it at my girlfriend’s place, since my sister had a bunch of friends over and they always smoke pot when they are hanging out. My girlfriend Penny wanted to have sex. I never said no to her before but yesterday I did. I made sure I told her that I’m only saying no because I need to work on the assignment, and that I’d do whatever she wants in just an hour. She said she couldn’t wait though and told me that if I didn’t fuck her right then, she’d send my nude pics to all our classmates. I begged her to wait just an hour but she said not and reiterated what she would do if I refused so I fucked her and now I feel kind of used and don’t know what to think of all this. How do I process everything that’s happened? The way she said she’d send those pictures out felt wrong. I feel like I might not be able to trust her as much as I used to.

  1. You’re girlfriend coerced and blacked mailed you into sex. It is quite literally and in many places legally SA.

  2. 🚩🚩🚩 that’s not a good relationship. revenge porn for.. what? her impatience??? is illegal as shit in most places and also immature as hell. do you really want to try and build a future with someone who’s going to prioritize their desires over your needs?

  3. Homie, she used you for dick. Honestly, I would leave her and her childish ways and if she sends out your nudes, puff out your chest and own up to it. You never know, you might actually meet a woman who wants you and not some little girl who can’t get over being rejected for the time being

  4. That is abuse my dude… and lowkey date rape if you ended up fucking… please get away ? Or at the very least set boundaries and tell her how fucked up this is, because it’s extremely fucked up, no matter the gender.

  5. This is gross af. I can’t tell if your girlfriend was being serious or trying to do some weird kinky shit. But you should have a very frank conversation about her real intentions. And either way, this whole situation feels violating and wrong. If you don’t feel like you can trust her, this relationship is no longer viable.

  6. Breakup with her. This is going to escalate quickly to her holding it above your head any time you do anything she doesn’t like.

  7. Do whatever you have to to get your photos out of her possession. Then immediately break up with her.

  8. Go on her phone delete your nudes and then proceed to break up with this evil person.

  9. This is rape by coercion. It makes sense why you’re disgusted. You should be able to say no to your partner if you don’t want sex. She is disgusting and vile. If you can, you should report her to any authority (like her boss, her teachers, etc.) but if you can’t, still just leave her. Try and delete the pictures from her phone so she can’t use them against you.

  10. So you got blackmailed into sex. Please dump the girl also dude, at this point it seems like you need better people in your life.

  11. This is literally rape. Figure out how to get those photos out of her possession and cut her out of your life.

  12. Ask if you can use her phone (Just tell her you’re having phone issues and need to make an important phone call) Try and delete all those nude pictures of you & then end it with her. She sounds crazy!

  13. She legit blackmailed you. How can someone do that to the person they are dating… Don’t let her harass you

  14. bro hell nah wtf and who knows what she gonna do if u break up with her smh try to delete them pics off her phone first idk

  15. I would go through her phone and delete any pictures or videos she has of you and then end things. If not possible then there’s always the option to report her.

  16. >she’d send my nude pics to all our classmates.

    Get on her phone, delete all of your nudes, delete them from her trash folder too, and break up with her. Nobody should do that to the person they supposedly love. She coerced you into sex by blackmailing you. You are better than her and deserve better.

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