Reluctant to post this but I felt that I need to do this. I have known my friend for well over a year and we are quite close. So close to the point that we’ve developed strong feelings for each other. I normally wouldn’t have an issue in going for a relationship with this except… I am 18 (M). She is 16 (F).

Every alarm bell in my head tells me that it is wrong to even entertain the thought of being romantically involved with them, but I can’t help it? We are so comfy around each other and we make each other so happy. We tried not talking for a bit but we both admitted that it was miserable and depressing. Me personally I could not get her out of my head. She as a person is amazing. I feel that I could talk to her about anything. It’s the simple fact that she is 16. I’m scared of what other people will think if they were to hear. I’m scared of being called a creep or anything of the sort. Am I really when we’ve been talking since I myself was 16? I’m not sure. I know that I would be happy if I was with her. My feelings tell me to choose her. But logic tells me not to. It’s to the point where she said she’d even wait until she’s 18, but that just makes me feel worse as I don’t want her to miss out on any potential opportunities in life. I’m insanely conflicted and need some sort of advice. I don’t know what’s right. I don’t know which will be the better option in the long run. It’s more than just “there’ll be other ppl out there for you”Not only do we not have any negative feelings toward each other but I simply want it to be her. That’s all. Thank you.

1 comment
  1. As long as you aren’t having sex, there is nothing wrong with it. It’s only by law for age of consent purposes that you need to worry.

    Nothing wrong having a relationship with someone 2 years younger. You’d just be better waiting until she is 18 before doing anything sexual, which may be difficult.

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