This may sound kinda weird but, i found out tonight that my girlfriends best friend cheated on her now ex boyfriend. my first thing is that im worried that her friend is going to like encourage my girlfriend to cheat, i know it seems kind of farfetched but its been bugging me. The other thing is that im upset she didnt tell me. me and my girlfriend tell each other all the dirt on our friends, i just find it odd that this is the one thing she hasnt told me about and is contributing to my worries.

  1. You’re way, way overthinking this, if you think your girlfriends friend cheating on her ex would lead your girlfriend to cheat on you it shows a real lack of trust in her and hell of a lot of insecurities on your part.

  2. Your gf doesn’t owe you dirt on her friends. In fact, she should keep certain things private because otherwise she’s violating her friend’s trust.

  3. My gf’s best friend cheated on her ex, and my gf defended her saying he is not a good person etc etc. And then one year later, my gf cheated on me, and told me that I was not a good person. She did exactly what her best friend did a year ago. I had no idea people could influence each other that much. After that I started observing “best friends” around me and I see that the old saying “birds of same feather flock together” is true more than I would like to believe.

    People have all their friends trashy will be trashy, and people having all their friends classy are more likely to be classy themselves. You get the idea.

  4. Is she lowering contact with her? Otherwise you might end up like her friends ex

  5. I do think it seems a bit odd to not tell you about it and I would probably ask her why she felt she had to hide it from you, but you way over thinking things aside from that.

    Cheating isn’t contagious. She’s not going to cheat just because her friend did.

  6. Cheating issue aside… Dude, stop telling each other all the secrets of your friends. That’s not for you two to share and entertain yourselves with.

    Would you like for your gf to spill all your dirt and intimate details to her friends?

  7. Dude.

    Your GF isn’t going to cheat just because her friend did. That’s silly.

    Maybe she didn’t tell you because her friend didn’t want anyone to know.

    You either trust your GF or you don’t. If you don’t, why are you still together?

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