i lose friends as quickly as i make them.

i won’t tolerate people’s disrespect–and invariably, people behave disrespectfully. then i assert myself by giving my my standard response (“excuse me, you’re being very disrespectful right now”), and that’s that.

usually the reply is either “fuck you then”….

or this person will apologize and we’ll never speak or hang out again. i’ll say something like “it’s ok” or “it’s all good”, and feel like we can move on. but that’s the end of the relationship.


i won’t be friends with people who disrespect me–but our society seems rife with it.

ofc, accidents happen. i don’t fly off the handle if people say something dumb that was intended harmlessly, or if someone is having a really bad day, etc. none of us is perfect. i’m definitely not. there’s always room for error.

but when someone says something ignorant like “you got good grades because you’re japanese”, or when i’ve politely asked someone not to call me “gypsy” because it’s a racial slur and they keep doing it, or if someone is making sexual comments and i politely ask them to stop….

or when someone says or does any number of disrespectful things repeatedly, and i grow weary of giving them the benefit of the doubt…

enough just becomes enough, and i assert myself.


i give people the benefit of the doubt. but as my dad was fond of saying: “first time’s funny, second time’s silly, third time’s an ass whuppin.”

the insane thing is, people seem to side with the person who acted the jerk. it happens again and again, making excuses for this sort of shitty behavior.

it’s just crazy to me that i’m the bad person because i don’t tolerate disrespect. i only expect the same respect i give others. i expect nothing more, and i stand for nothing less.


is this NOT the standard, expected social contract? did i miss a memo somewhere?

  1. Something similar happens to me. Whenever someone makes a comment about my appearance,height,face, it’s fun and just a joke…but if i do the same in response: I’m disgusting,offensive,racist, disrespectful, cynical,etc…
    In my experience: try to not take people way too seriously,but don’t allow them to mistreat you,no matter what.

  2. Our society has changed, only ignorant people side with the “joker” because they themselves are looking for entertainment due to their lack of mindfulness thus there are many. People only joke to see what kind of response they can get, I find it a rarity to come across someone with only good intentions Ie just conversations

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