Men of Reddit, at what moment where you reminded how blessed you are to have the life you have?

  1. when im grocery shopping and someone doesn’t have enough money. it’s only a few dollars to me, but it really makes their day.

  2. The moment I was scraped out of a crushed car with shattered pelvis collapsed lung and liver and at that moment I was grateful to be alive. I am every single day from that day on.

  3. Usually when I see or think about someone else who has it worse. Otherwise I’m pretty miserable.

  4. So many people hate their lives for no reason. If you have a roof over your head, food in your belly, and live healthy without pain then maybe you actually live a charmed life.

  5. Every day i wake up. I had b-cell lymphoma non Hodgkins on 14 spots on my head. 2 in chest area and 1 in abdomen. 2 three week sessions of radiation, lost a 100 pounds, had to drop some classes in college just because i couldn’t keep up, lost all my hair on my head, but I’m alive and recently found out that im officially in remission. The weight loss is great, lol. Taking the classes again this summer. Hoping the hair will come back but im pulling off the bald /goatee look. Hope you can find some things in your life toošŸŒˆšŸ’œ

  6. Lost my first wife when we were young. After quite a few years, I somehow managed to capture lightening in a bottle, twice, by finding love again and a other amazing woman (what did I do to deserve such a blessing?) Regardless, when we brought our second child home and I was rocking him while reading a story to our oldest I just looked at my little family and thought, wow……..what an amazing life. And it only got better and better. I’ve seen how quickly life and turn on a dime – for the worse. Literally, one day can go from everything is great to nightmare that gets worse and worse. I never take each day foe granted. Love those that you love.

  7. All day every day.

    I wake up next to my wife and start every day with a hug, kiss, and cuddles.

    I get to work from home permanently and while I donā€™t make as much as Iā€™d like, itā€™s extremely flexible and my boss is a great guy.

    My in-laws love me and I love them.

    My mom and my grandparents do a ton for me and my wife even though they donā€™t have to.

    My little brother and I are very close and I get to watch him grow into a great man.

    If I canā€™t afford what I want right now, in two weeks from now I will be able to.

    Everything about my life is profoundly lucky and I absolutely recognize that.

  8. Anytime we are faced with any adversity and I know we will be OK. Itā€™s not by accident, because that is literally my purpose, but itā€™s nice to be validated.

  9. randomly, like eating a really good burger or just walking, then it gets me depressed because other people don’t have such good lives

  10. If i wake up, i know im already playing with house money. But i honestly am thankful every single day. I readwater meters in dallas. All i gotta do is see some homeless person sitting in the sun, or some tweaker twirling in the street, or garbage overflowing a dumpster at some janky ass apartments, or the group of workers waiting at the gas station to get picked up, to know im blessed.

    I roll around in a city truck with my ac blowing, drinking flitered and purified ice cold water. I get paid well, work about 30, get paid 40, off weekends, holidays etc. Got all the overtime i wanna work, go home to my wife and 2 kids…….and my cold ass AC. Play videogames, eat dinner, rinse and repeat.

    My parents and siblkngs are great and our family likes each other’s company. Had a stable upbringing, providing my kids one, i am just living the dream.

    So yeah, every fucking day i smile about how wonderful a ride it has been so far. Always perfect? Nah, obviously. But damned good.

  11. Saw a 1 armed no legged cripple homeless guy at walmart the other day. I was thinking Aright maybe it aint so bad.

  12. Today. Rode my golf cart from my camper to my boat. While my wife was carrying an old school picnic basket full of a home made lunch while my kids sang stupid songs.

    Just absolutely mind blowing compared to my child hoodā€¦ which was ducking awesomeā€¦ just less ā€œbougieā€ ad the kids say.

  13. When I leave for work my wife and kids all gather at the door to wave at me as I drive away. When I walk in the door after work they run/crawl to me and are so excited to see me. So those moments especially.

  14. There was a distinct moment where I remember thinking ā€œman I really donā€™t want to die, everything Iā€™m doing rn I would love if I could do foreverā€ and that was probably the happiest I ever was in my life. I felt very blessedā€¦ then my heart got ripped out and that world was stripped away from me and Iā€™m not longer that person anymore soā€¦ trying to learn to be happy with the different person I am now /=

  15. When I saw a man with a sign that read: My life was good, until I began overthinking”. Made me think about myself. I overthink. It has done damage to me in the past. I try to make decisions that are smart and convenient

  16. Actually right now honestly.

    Came out of watching Pixar’s new film, Lightyear, and it had a monumental life lesson. ***SPOILER ALERT AHEAD.*** (Well, kind of)

    But basically, the gist was that even if you make a mistake or life doesn’t go your way, that shouldn’t stop you from accepting what you have now or living in the moment. Sometimes you got to make the best of your lot and it might be for the better because of the people you meet along the way.

    So stop dwelling in the past and live in the present now.

    Came out of the theaters and reflected on how much time I had spent in my life looking backward when life kept moving forward. For the first time in a while, I stopped and was grateful for where I am now. My life looks vastly different than it did 7 years ago but I’ve changed and grown for the better.

  17. It tends to happen when I walk into the bakery section of a Wal Mart. There are just MOUNTAINS of food and I can just choose a chunk off that mountain and buy it and eat it.

  18. At least my city isnt being bombed. The soviet and german armies arn’t heading their way. Im not on starvation rations of calories. Not a POW. Not in a concentration camp. Not being tortured. So its eh

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