Was doing a routine check and found a lump the size of a big grain of sand on the side of my left ball. Naturally I was freaked out. It’s a hell of scary thing. I booked an appointment for the next day at the doctors. Doctor felt it and said it seemed suspicious and told me to get an emergency ultrasound. At this stage my head was spinning with all kinds of dark depressing thoughts. My whole world seemed turned upside down. I managed to book an ultrasound for the next day and after that had a few hours before a follow up consultation with my doctor. That night I lay in bed so unbelievably freaked out. I practiced all the stoicism I could (which massively helped) and breathing techniques but it felt like everything in my life had the volume muted.

I went in for my ultrasound and follow up consultation and it turned out to be a benign cyst.

Gentleman, check your god damn balls.

Edit: I’m glad this has gotten some attention and kudos to all those who’ve fondled their balls after reading this.

Just to clarify, you’re not feeling your scrotum. You’re rolling your testicle around in your fingers like a marble and feeling for irregularities.

  1. Testicular cancer and prostate cancer. In fact, I saw a urologist just yesterday and was screened.

  2. Kinda funny story … During a physical I had my doc ask whether I check my testicles. I paused and then asked “what like officially? No, but plenty of informal checks”

    Seriously though gentlemen, check your stuff and take care of yourselves.

  3. I was having left testicular pain and the ultrasound also revealed a cyst. Always a good idea to get checked out anytime things aren’t feeling right down there!

  4. As a guy who had testicular cancer I can’t stress this enough. Check your nuts. If something doesn’t feel right talk to your Dr. Please.

  5. I was having testicular discomfort last year and put it off for about a month because I was embarrassed to have to show the Dr my balls. I kept thinking “what if he laughs?” “what if he makes a funny comment?” “What if it’s cold and they are all shriveled up?”. I finally got the courage to make the appointment. Ended up having epididymitis. Took pain pills for a few days along with a couple weeks of antibiotics and everything was good again.

    Yes it was embarrassing (to me) to have to drop my drawers in front of my doctor and have him squeeze on everything (and f*ck it hurt when he found where the issue was!) But I’m glad I went before things got worse.

    I know as guy, we “check” ourselves often but be sure to really check and like many others have said, go to the Dr if there are any issues. I guarantee the doctor has probably seen more balls than we have.

  6. My brother (athletic healthy guy) actually ended up having testicular cancer at 30. They had to remove one of his testicles and he went through chemo. We live opposite sides of the country and he did not even tell me about till it was all said and done. I asked him why didn’t he say anything, he told me there is not much I could have done anyway…true, and it gives you an idea how stoic he can be. Later in the conversation I asked him how he is handling having had one of his testicles removed as I can imagine it may be a blow to some men, so I was just worried whether it would have affected him emotionally. So I asked if he is ok about missing his right testicle. His response:

    “You know when you are driving a car and there is less air in one of the tires, and the car pulls the way of the underinflated tire? Well, when I walk I just keep veering off to the right”

    The way he said it, and in response to my serious question just made me burst out laughing. He is such a dumbass.

    He has been fine and cancer free since.

  7. Not a man, but my friend is 25 and found a small irregularity on his testicle. Went and got an ultrasound and was in surgery three days later to have the testicle removed. It was seminoma, a very common type of cancer. Thankfully it hadn’t spread anywhere. It can happen to anyone!

    My other friend is in his pathology residency; I was talking to him about my friend’s circumstances and he told me that testicular cancers are actually common in young men in their 20s and 30s. So don’t think that because you are young that you are always safe

  8. Check your butt too!

    Start colon and prostate cancer screenings at an age appropriate for your risk level.

    My father died a slow painful death in his early 50’s thanks to prostate cancer. The sad truth is, he may still be here today if he had the recommended annual screenings.

    Get checked! For your family, if not for yourself.

    Here are the most common cancer types for men:

    |Rank|Cancer|New cases diagnosed in 2018|% of all cancers (excl. non-melanoma skin cancer)|
    ||All cancers*|8,818,685||
    |8|Non-Hodgkin lymphoma|284,713|3.2|
    |11|Lip, oral cavity|246,420|2.8|
    |13|Brain, central nervous system|162,534|1.8|
    |15|Melanoma of skin|150,698|1.7|
    |19|Multiple myeloma|89,897|1.0|
    |23|Hodgkin lymphoma|46,559|0.5|
    |25|Salivary glands|29,256|0.3|
    |26|Kaposi sarcoma|28,248|0.3|

    sauce: https://www.wcrf.org/dietandcancer/cancer-trends/worldwide-cancer-data#:~:text=Lung%20cancer%20was%20the%20most,non%2Dmelanoma%20skin%20cancer).

  9. anyone ever had a skin tag inside their urethra? it hasnt changed size in several years, since i noticed it

  10. I have a grain of rice sized growth on my chest, I’ve gone in twice because of it and the first time I was told it’s nothing, second time the doc laughed at me and then apologised for doing so. It’s weird because it’s just grown for whatever reason but I guess it’s nothing..

  11. What does an “irregularity” feel like?

    How do you roll it around without it hurting?

  12. I had something similar happen to me a years ago. Felt something on my testicle, like a grain of sand like you mentioned, turns out its a cyst on my epididymis.

  13. Had a very similar scare myself about 2 years ago when I found a lump on my right one. Got it checked out and it was fine, just a cyst like yours fortunately. Still there and hasn’t grown or changed, but I keep an eye on it so to speak

  14. It’s a good reason never to delay getting as testicular cancer is notorious for being able to be cured even at stage 4.

  15. This is so funny, I was on a ultrasound appointment this morning. I open up reddit at work, and this is the top post in my feed. Well I can just agree, check your nuts fellas.

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