I honestly used to hate sex and think it just wasn’t for me. I’ve had 2 boyfriends in the past and it always felt like a chore and I had to put in a lot of effort to enjoy it.

But with my new boyfriend it is so amazing. We have been dating for just over a month and we have sex like 2-3 times a day on average!! And I actually initiate sex now too. His size is just perfect, the sex is the exact right amount of time, and I just love him so much it feels good to be so close.

Has anybody had a similar experience, where they thought they had a low libido til they met a special person?

I feel like a lot of women go through something similar where they think they have a problem when they don’t like sex. But I think it’s worth considering that the person is just wrong for you.

  1. It can be the wrong person, it can also be communication. Understanding and what gets you going.

  2. Of course others have experienced this. Often the issue is selfish and/or unskilled partners. Sex should be about mutual pleasure.

  3. Yes! Right here. I’ve never enjoyed or wanted sex as much prior to the BF I have now. I feel totally reborn with him and I can’t get enough. Enjoy!

  4. Yes, I’ve had this exact experience. Thought sex just wasn’t for me, but then realized I had just been with shitty partners who didn’t know/care enough about what they were doing.

  5. It’s wonderful when that happens. Be aware that it also happens because of the newness and takes focus from both people to keep it going.

  6. As an ex lover once said to me “My chemicals likes your chemicals.”

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