I ask this because I am unhealthily checking extremely often. Details will be kept to myself regarding the issue and why I can’t just push for a response or message.

But like… I had to delete Facebook messenger so I could stop my ritual. The person can take hours to respond sometimes. But also responds around this hour. Im almost losing my mind

  1. Take this advice from a person who was around both before texting and Facebook, as well as up-to-date on current technology. Nothing ever ever beats a phone call or in person. If you text somebody, I consider that a cop out. So much of the English language is beautiful and relies on visual cues, tone of your voice, context, and inflection that text messaging (or anything online or typed out) can and will be taken the wrong way eventually. Do yourself and your significant other a favor and do it in person or on the phone.

  2. If you gave no clues in the message, at least 24 hours. If you gave clues, and it’s been 24 hours, they may be intentionally avoiding a response. Doesn’t matter what the subject is, but if it’s important to you I hope you explained it in the text. If you sent a generic text or message saying ‘we need to talk about something serious’, you SO may not want to get into it and avoid a callback.

    There’s too much gray area in your question to provide a real answer. There is no ‘rule’ for returning messages.

  3. There’s not an allotted time for this. But if it’s serious, and someone cares about you, you would expect that they’d do it sooner rather than later? Is this a regular thing? Not responding to serious stuff? I’m guessing they know you and know you’ll be anxious?

    Maybe you’re just going to have to pick up the phone.

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