It’s been a good two or three months since I’ve been on a date. It’s not for the lack of trying. I’m on like 6 different dating apps and I haven’t had any luck.

I was talking to this guy but he just ghosted me. My confidence has dropped significantly. I used to step out of my house dressed fairly well. Hair done, nails done, and a cute outfit. Now I don’t even care.

I kind of miss dating. Am I doing something wrong or am I just not attractive?

  1. You’re doing the right things then. It’ll come. Maybe change up the hairstyle if you’ve had the bob for awhile.

    It’ll come.

  2. Do any of your friends know any single people? Maybe you can get set up.

  3. Be straight to the point and ask after few exchanges
    Don’t small talk a lot, no one cares which school you went to etc. lol

  4. You should get out there and do something you enjoy or you always wanted to do. Then you’ll automatically meet people that have the same interests as you and I’m sure you’ll find someone you’re at least semi attracted to and this will make you want to put effort into yourself again. Also I swear everytime I get into a relationship it’s when I really wasn’t looking too hard. Good luck!

  5. Bwah ha a girls long time is maybe a year or a few months… try 6 almost 7 years with no dates or physical contact and tell me you still feel ugly.

  6. Two or three months……it’s been almost 5 years since i got a date XD
    It’s just timing

  7. Self love is important hun. Try finding one thing about yourself that you like and say it out loud. Dress up for yourself not for anyone else hugs xx

  8. I’ve been ghosted like 11 times and now have a bf of 3 years. It means nothing besides they are too lazy to text you that they are interested in someone else or whatever the reason may be. I know some very beautiful people who have been ghosted so don’t let it affect your view of yourself.

  9. Eh it happens longest strech for me was 6 months and then the matchs I did get were incredibly incompatible.

  10. Is 2 or 3 months really that long of a time?? Not trying to be snarky or anything lol it’s just it’s been a lot longer than that for me but I thought I was fine 😅😂

  11. Don’t feel ugly, keep your head up, and stay positive. Could be worse could be me. If these feelings persist you might need to step away from dating and work towards feeling better about yourself.

  12. Don’t stress about it! I know it’s easier said than done, but seeming like you need something will, paradoxically, make it harder to get.

    Live your life as if dating and that stuff has nothing to do with you. Things will fall into place. Good luck!

  13. Male here, been over 2 years since the end of my relationship, i love myself and the way i look but apparently i am the only one cause i can’t find anyone who wants to date me.
    I feel your struggle honey, stay strong <3

  14. 2-3 months is normal, take some time to yourself to accept and enjoy being single. It will make you a better partner

  15. Ma’am, it has been almost 3 years since I’ve been on a date. I do not mean this as a dick measuring competition.

    You don’t always need to be dating, or seeing someone. Sometimes it just isn’t happening, and that’s perfectly okay.

    It does not mean something is wrong with you.

  16. Hey dude, you need to love yourself before feeling the need to have someone else love you. Every single one of my relationships with any man in my life has been completely toxic and abusive, save for my son. I left an abusive relationship a 15 years almost a year-and-a-half ago. My boundaries and standards are so high that I refuse to date anyone who encompasses any red flags that I’ve come to learn all about. I know it’s hard because you internalize and try to look for reasons why you are not getting dates, or the attention that you desire from a guy. Don’t be hard on yourself, try some positive self-affirmations, to gain your confidence. You deserve to love yourself before anybody else. I just started seeing someone who respects all of my boundaries. You don’t want to just end up with anyone who doesn’t care about you or respect you.

  17. >two or three months

    Nope not a long time , if you can’t stay that long without a date then maybe you should learn that first

    >confidence has dropped significantly

    A lot of people especially on reddit will say (BE CONFIDENT IRRESPECTIVE OF IT ) but let’s be real here if someone feels invisible/undesirable then it does take a hit no matter how much people say otherwise

    realistically yes 3 months is nothing but i get it ,but learn to be fine with it and about the confidence part it is true to some extent if you feel invisible or undesirable you start to feel bad about it and it’s natural and fine

  18. Go get dressed up and go to a bar. You’ll have no trouble there. Dating apps are a scam.

  19. Three months and no date and you feel ugly?? So you judge yourself and your looks by men’s willingness to be seen with you rather than the mirrors in your house and knowledge of yourself??? Did you feel ugly when you were getting dates? Your perception of yourself is adjustable…dependent on another mortal being who bleeds blood??? Hopefully you’re young, but sweetheart you’re gonna be in a world of trouble if you need a date to feel pretty. Please find love in yourself.

  20. If you’re putting in zero effort, why are you expecting people to want to date you?

  21. If you were a man it’d be /somewhat/ likely to not go on a date in months (though still telling of something ‘wrong’). But I saw that you commented that you are a woman.
    Gonna get real with you and not as gentle as the other commenters – any woman who fails to get a date while signed to no less than 6 dating apps, has got something seriously wrong with either her looks, her profile and/or her personality and texting.

    Now regarding looks, unless you’re some 150kg or badly deformed woman, you most definitely can get a few decently attractive or passable photos. Dress well, have some style, show some personality in the pics.
    Profile: Write a few positive and, again, personality-showing sentences. Don’t be negative or write demands.
    Texting: be approachable, joke around a bit, ask a few questions and ask if the guy’s free sometime.

    Honestly it would’ve been easier if you shared your dating profile.

  22. The more time and energy you put into dating, the less interesting you are as a prospective date, a you’re not putting that time and energy into doing awesome and investing things that make you happy, fun to be around, and give you cool shit to talk about. Throw yourself into the cool shit you love doing, see who shows up then.

  23. Its not you, it’s the dating apps. I only use one for few weeks, to socialize, then get out before the plethora, all the extra starts to have a negative effect on my psyche. We are biological creatures we are not bionic drones so dating apps are limited, very very limited. And you’re only dealing with a pool of people that are there for casual infinite choices. You are not necessarily dealing with the majority of people that want to connect deeply. The medium is the message it’s a great article by Marshall Mcluen (sp?)

  24. Username suggested you have something else you’re dealing with subconsciously.

  25. Try not to use dating apps and actually join like a community group or participate in community events. I find that the best way to meet people is in real life because on dating apps people aren’t authentic at times.

  26. Yeah, I am 25 and I am not sure if I ever had a real date in my life…

  27. It’s you …your blocking yourself

    If you don’t feel or walk like your beautiful people can tell that your feel insecure and being Insecure is a very ugly look. So yea go get your nails done your hair done yoh will see that glow of you again love yourself pamper yourself

  28. You could try speed dating, or perhaps get a friend to take some nice shots and spice up your profile. There’s probably things about yourself you don’t realise others like?

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