TDLR; My ex and I’s relationship (2years) was extremely toxic, do I tell her that I forgive her now that I’ve healed, or do I just move on from it?

After a long and painful relationship, me (20f) and my ex(20f) remained ‘friends’ for around 5 months. However, I think they thought that this meant we were basically still together. I couldn’t talk to anyone without her getting mad, I couldn’t go out and do my own thing, I couldn’t do anything and then one day we ended up exploding, ending our ‘friendship’ really awfully and never seeing each other again. Since that, they made me lose my friendship group as we shared the same friends, they said a lot of lies about me, and made my life quite hard. She and/or her friends made fake profiles to comment on my stuff and torment me, I heard through friends the things she’d been saying about me and it was just awful.

It took me months and months to recover from the relationship and the breakdown of it. For the first few months, I was so sick, riddled with anxiety, I could not leave the house on my own, I couldn’t bare to look at my phone when I got a notification. It really fucked me up.

I kind of came to terms with everything recently, I got into a relationship with the most beautiful, caring guy who helped me get myself back on track and to where I am today.

Part of me feels like I need to send my ex this messsage telling her that I forgive her and that i’m sorry for my part in it too, and that I hope she has or is healing. We have each other blocked on everything, I think. But i’m sure I could send it to her number(mobile) as I’m not blocked there.

I just don’t know if it’s a good idea, and if she reacts badly too it, then everything i’ve worked on and my anxieties could resurface..

Let me know what to do 🙂

  1. dude!!

    why do you want to re-engage in this relationship that fucked you up so bad?

    block this person everywhere.

    any communication is just begging for drama and more heart-hurt. stop it already.

  2. Nope. Just nope. Sometimes you’ve just gotta be a dog… and kick some grass over the sh•t and move on without looking back.

  3. for me, you should not tell her that you have finally healed, i mean… why would you even tell her? both of you have nothing to do w each other now, and there are things that you should no longer look back, especially, those stuff or people who hurt you, bc in the first place you are not born to be hurt, abused, etc. you deserve to be happy, and you are now, so don’t let be ruined again.

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