Whenever I speak to a male, I notice them looking down, especially if my shirt has a lower neck line.

My personal experience was when I was speaking to a co-worker and noticed he was staring down and even when I looked up and down he continued.

Do all men do this? and do you think you are sleek with it?

Edit: tits aren’t out, literally wearing work button up shirt.

Edit 2: this is not an attack on men, just curiosity.

  1. Most men do it from time to time. I think when I do it it’s not really to stare at their breasts – it’s because I’m not good at eye contact (with dudes or women).

  2. Boobs are like the Sun, you can stare at them directly for just for a few seconds, but if you put on sunglasses, you can stare as much as you want.

  3. i do my best to take a small glance, point it out to my gf, and move on with my day. i dont wanna get caught staring

  4. Do I think I’m sleek? No, I also look at guys abs and stuff, what can I say can’t help but look at good looking people, if you’re getting stared at speak up

  5. I may glance.. it depends. There is risk assessment involved in the whole process. It’s best to train oneself to never look, if possible..

  6. A lot of times, I’m actually truly just wondering what someone’s shirt says.

  7. Reddit clap-back:

    Why do you continue to wear shirt with low necklines?

    If you are displaying your cleavage, you’re doing it for a reason, and most people are gonna peak. Even gay dudes and other women.

  8. No I’ve been trained. Problem is I work in a hospital and I can’t look at women’s name tags without looking at the level of their chest so I never look to see what their names are.

  9. I feel like I get “caught” all the time.

    The truth of the matter is that I’m really uncomfortable with eye contact and barely notice that these people that “catch” me have even have breasts. I can’t help that your breasts are below your eyes.

  10. Lady…..95% of us stare at your chest area…like c’monnnnn boobs are the best thing 😂 it’s just some of us are discreet, and some of us aren’t as good 😆

  11. Just long enough to capture a good enough mental image for the spank bank later

  12. Whenever they catch me off guard. It’s never voluntary in polite conversation, but it happens rather frequently despite that.

  13. I look at every womans chest area regardless of if she has boobs or not. It doesn’t matter what she’s wearing, I can still see the outline of her boobs. If her rack is nice, I’ll admire it. If her rack is tiny, I’ll look at it. Doesn’t matter what she’s wearing.

    Personally, I don’t care if I’m sleek or not. Yes I’m looking at your boobs…….so what. Hell I might even smile too.

  14. If you decide to show flesh it’s for people to see. We comply to your expectations. Why would you be showing your tits and then complain men are looking. I don’t get it.

  15. I have this habit leftover from when I was single for several years. I got in the habit of just checking out women in public daily without any worry of repercussion. And when I finally got back in a relationship I realized “Oh shit, why do I keep looking at everybody’s tits and ass?” I had to basically deprogram myself from doing that, and 4 years later I still do it once in a great while. It’s a tough habit to undo.

    So knowing what I know now, if I was a woman I’d forgive men for making that mistake as long as they committed to stopping the obvious looks and try to keep it polite and subtle (if that can be done, from a woman’s perspective). If a man’s just fucking up majorly and checking out your tits every day, then he’s not trying hard enough.

  16. There’s no one who doesn’t look at boobs and ass. Even asexuals will look at boobs and ass. Everytime you’re not looking there’s a chance a dude is staring at your rack

  17. The question is: how do you stop? Someone on Reddit posted something about breast size, cleavage and nipples in shirts and now it’s impossible for me to look away. I feel like a perv! Please help!

  18. They’ve done countless studies on this, and it’s not just men, everyone peaks at boobies. Some folk are just better at hiding their glances.

    But really, rooting behavior is something we’re born with, it’s not something we really grow out of.

  19. Don’t often do it consciously, but catch myself doing it subconsciously sometimes. I believe it’s a pretty instinctive thing to do as breasts are an obvious sign of sexual maturity which innate me wants to know even if I have no conscious desires where that would be relevant

  20. I have bad anxiety, and I have trouble making eye contact during conversation.

  21. Every time a woman’s chest crosses my field of view, I suppose.

    Most women are short so I tend to mostly see their chests at a distance as their faces are in the way when looking down at them unless their chests stick out especially far or they’re pushing their breasts up on me.

  22. My eyes wander because I don’t generally enjoy strict eye contact. I usually come across as a bit intense which makes people uncomfortable, so I look around. Eyes do wander to the chest and linger, admiring the form and bulge through the shirt, but usually for only half a second or so. Yes it happens unintentionally as that is something I enjoy looking at which had formed a habit. Ass, tits, face, legs, stomachs, smile.

  23. Of course I do. I do my best to not stare or leer but I absolutely will steal glances.

  24. Intentionally? Almost never. Unintentionally? Constantly. Like others mentioned, I also find it hard/awkward/requires effort to maintain eye contact, so my eyes tend to wander elsewhere. This happens to both men and women, and I end up looking at peoples arms, chests, to the left or right of their head, their shoes, literally anything that’s moving, etc. If someone is conscious about their chest I can see how they would think that I’m sneaking a peek at their breasts, but actually whats going on is I’m just looking everywhere and trying to maintain eye contact occasionally and then failing. This “look anywhere” behavior is extra bad when I’m sleep deprived since I tend to zone out and it looks like I’m staring at whatever body part (and sometimes this ends up being the chest), but really I’m just being an astronaut and spacing out.

  25. I try not to do it at all—really!

    I know it’s rude and I don’t do it on purpose, but it isn’t always easy.

  26. Our brains are literally wired to look at certain features of the opposite sex for finding mates. It is an automatic response. If you have any amount of cleavage or visible shape of your butt, I’m looking there. 99.99% of the time I’m already looking there before I even realize it and then I feel bad because I’m not the type of guy who ogles women.

  27. Me personally im rather conservative so I only look with intent. Therefore I never (at least i hope so) look whilst making them uncomfortable.

  28. Staring is one thing.

    Being creepy is another thing.

    Casually glancing is a normal thing.

    I’ll never understand how this topic is overcomplicated.

  29. I don’t think I’m sleek, but I’m damn sure slick. I just wait til you walk away and look at your ass.

  30. Yes. There is a kind of magic to boobs. As Ron White says: Once you’ve seen one pair of tits….you wanna see the rest of them.

    And let’s be honest about motivations. We are aware that ladies wear low cut tops to get attention. The push up bra wasn’t invented by accident, and didn’t become popular serendipitously. We know those nipples showing through are almost always on purpose. I get sick of women who play the victim card when they get noticed by guys they don’t want to notice. Is a little honesty too much to ask?

    Does it give the guy any right to get handsy, or make inappropriate comments? Of course not. But even a cat can look at a king.

    Personally, if a woman appears to have made an effort to showcase, I take a moment to look, smile at her, then keep my eyes locked to her face the rest of the time. Never gotten a complaint. At work, I keep things professional.

    And keep in mind humans are the only primates that appear to have engorged mammary glands all the time. There is a biological component here. At some point, it became a favored phenotype. And women favored men who liked engorged mammaries. It’s a very similar mechanism to the one that lead to the peacock tail displays. Reinforcing evolutionary mechanisms are quite powerful.

    So yes. Most secondary sex characteristics evolved to be noticed by the opposite sex.

  31. Boobs are probably the best thing on earth, if not, top 3. They’re like a biological overide switch to the majority of the male population. Most of the time it’s not even a concious decision. Absolute speculation here,(not an evolutionary biologist/phsychologist) its checking for one of the more obvious signs that someone is of age to reproduce.

    If you wear lowcut stuff and advertise them you look right to complain unless people start making unwanted comments or even worse, (try) touching. Same way I lose any right to complain if I go out in grey sweatpants and women gawk at my “dickprint”. Lets be real, we all know what’s going on, and we don’t get to run an advertising campaign and cry when the campaign is successful.

  32. Truth is I look because I just cat help it, boobs have held a special place in my heart for a long long time and for some unknown reason, a cheeky glance is just so satisfying

  33. Everytime i see them. Its instinct. Now having my eyes glued to them is a different thing. Its best to ignore a girls beauty and treat them like normal. You get more girls that way since most guys dont do this.

  34. As often as possible without been noticed, boobs are magnetic to guys eyes. Also pro tip guys sunglasses are very handy for not been noticed.

  35. Constantly, lips, shoulders, neck, and legs. I love women’s geometry. I do it in a glance but I do it.

  36. You know – as a guy I don’t wear a ‘lower neck line’ shirt. Why are you wearing one and then having the audacity to wonder what is going on?

    If I wore very low waist-line pants, I bet people would look at me. In fact, if I did it, I’d be doing it to get them to look at me. No other reason to dress like that.

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