So I had my passport in my bag today and my water bottle leaked. My passport got wet and I was able to dry it out however still a bit damp.

Was there anyway I could tell if it was classed as too damaged? Ideally I would not get another one as I only got this one in march (and I have a visa attached with it)!

  1. If your post is about getting a visa (for the UK), about visas, citizenship, or residency in the UK – please visit /r/UKVisa, /r/IWantOut or speak to [a registered Immigration Advisor](

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  2. There’s guidelines on the website about what classes as to damages. Not sure if yours will be to damaged to use but I can tell you now it will be class as excess damage when you come to renew.

    I Renewed mine last month that had got the tiniest bit wet 8 years ago with hardly any visuals damaged. I read all the guideline when i renewed and didn’t think mine met the criteria for excess damage but it did. Ended up having to write them a letter explaining how it got damaged before they would Renew it.

  3. ​

    As long as the id pages and e chip are in good condition and don’t look like they have been tampered with you should be fine.

    That said, if you’re not going abroad in the next year get it replaced for peace of mind. A damaged passport could completely scupper your holiday.

    I had a soaked and crinkled passport when travelling USA and it was a major source of anxiety until I got past TSA. It frankly ruined the build up to a lovely holiday.

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