OK, so it doesn’t have to be *that* oddly specific, but at least a somewhat specific tip that you don’t get many chances to share. It also doesn’t have to necessarily be a *good* life tip as long as it technically works.

(though in general the more weirdly specific the better)

Here are mine:

* If a restaurant smells “too clean”, then they’re compensating for something and I definitely wouldn’t eat there. (the best way to describe it is that it’ll smell like air freshener or like cleaning materials)
* In an argument, it’s a lot easier to out-stupid someone than to outsmart them.
* “Seeing red” doesn’t mean you know how to fight
* Hating the same things as another person might draw you together in a similar way that liking the same things would (at least, in the initial stages)

What about you all’s?

  1. Don’t be afraid to take style risks with clothing, own multiple styles of shoe/boots other than gym shoes, don’t be afraid to utilize some accessories with outfits; necklace, wristwear, etc

  2. > In an argument, it’s a lot easier to out-stupid someone than to outsmart them.

    I have a slightly different take on this. If you’re having an argument on a public forum and the other person says something that’s transparently stupid, just stop responding. Let them digging themselves into a hole be the last thing people see.

  3. If a girl comes over who you haven’t seen Ina while and is flirting and showing you her tits and ass but then she’s talking about her boyfriend so you don’t make your move because you are playing it safe since the signals are so mixed, they’re not. She wants you to fuck her despite having a boyfriend. She’s going to tell him and all her friends you raped her because she’s embarrassed you didn’t jump her.

  4. In the morning when you wake up, take a few minutes to do deep breathing to set the tone and be ready for your day ahead.

  5. A restauranteur told me that a restaurant is only good as its bathroom.

    All the restaurants he launched had the most aesthetic, luxurious bathrooms. Since then, I will judge a restaurant by its bathroom lol.

    If a restaurant has a dirty, gross bathroom, its hygiene for food is most likely the same…

  6. In your car….the arrow next to the gas symbol is pointing to the side that your gas tank is on.

  7. For women: When the thermostat in your home or car is set at 74 degrees and you want it to get down to 70 degrees. It doesn’t get to 70 degrees faster by setting it to 62. Just set it to the temp you want it to be…please, for the love of God!

    (and vice versa with heat. When you want it to be 74 degrees don’t set it to 90 degrees…it’s pointless!)

  8. When you are boiling water, put a half tbsp of butter in the water and it will prevent it from boiling over.

  9. * It’s pretty true that nothing good happens after 2AM, but for a lot of people, I’d argue 12AM is the point where nothing good can come of it.
    * If a restaurant’s menu has a bunch of items that don’t share common ingredients or tries to specialize in several different cuisines, it ain’t gonna be worth the money you pay for it.
    * Always try to have the best possible idea of what’s wrong with your car before you take it to get diagnosed and repaired.
    * You can actually get people to reveal a lot about themselves by seeming like a chill person or by not being a gossipp-y type.

  10. You won’t know when the good days were until you’re already past them. Live for now.

  11. Smile.

    When you’re working out, seeing yourself smiling tricks your brain into releasing endorphins that help you enjoy the workout more and last longer.

    Dealing with an upset person is a win/win if you smile. One one hand, they could see your expression and clam down. Or on the other hand, they can see that their actions aren’t affecting you and they either leave or get to hilariously recordable levels of anger.

    Smiling is proven to increase mental well being.

    Smiling makes you look more approachable (if you want that)

    It also has other serious health benefits like reducing anxiety, reducing blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, and even reduces pain!

  12. If you are visiting a popular tourist destination where English is not the main language, and restaurant menus there are primarily/only in English, then the food is probably overpriced and not very authentic. Go to restaurants in less touristy places and/or where the menu has no English (or not primarily) if authentic and cheaper food is what you are looking for.

  13. Avoid liquid cheese at festivals. The larger the container of liquid cheese, the wider a berth you should give the stuff. You WILL get food poisoning, and if you’re lucky, ONLY that.

    Do not mix hallucinogens and cheese.

    If a girl invites you over for dinner but intends to use a slow cooker, do not accept. In fact, do not date anyone who owns a slow cooker.

  14. Know your urine colors.

    Ideal urine is near-clear.

    Darker yellow is dehydration (or food dye from multivitamins, etc.)

    Orange is severe dehydration – drink water right the fuck now.

    Pink / red is infection, kidney stones (or beets.) – go to the doctor for testing.

    Red-brown is early kidney damage – get thee to the ER.

  15. I was told this by my father a few years ago. We are both plumbers he has 40 years of experience and I have 9. He told me to never do work anywhere you want to eat.

  16. If you get a brain freeze, put your tongue against your palate. The brain freeze will go away immediately

  17. Never eat at empty restaurants. With busy restaurants you know the food is constantly moving and being restocked with fresh supplies. With an empty restaurant you could be rolling the dice with how long the food has been sitting.

    This was the trick my dad did to avoid eating bad food once he lost his sense of smell. This trick also works gang busters when you are traveling and aren’t sure what’s good.

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