
TL;DR : I dont care what you do whatever you wanna do…… why am i so angry about anything you do?

I am a guy and iv been with my girlfriend for around 5 months now. Around the middle of the second month i started getting jealous of things that my gf does that i shouldn’t be getting jealous about. For example, me and her are friends with who we will call Ray. Me and Ray are good friends and i never got frustrated when they would talk to my gf but now anytime they talk to her i get extremely frustrated and extremely jealous and i have no idea why. I feel like crap too because she doesn’t have that many friends and only talks to a couple people.

Around a month back we had a famous entrepreneur come to our town and I knew she was going but with her family and I couldn’t sit by her. Around when it got to around the middle of the presentation i noticed she was only a couple rows ahead of me and was sitting with Ray and they were being friendly and i just got extremely jealous and frustrated to the point where i had to actually get up and leave to avoid freaking out. Even if shes just texting people i get jealous. I feel crappy about being like this because i don’t know how to control myself when it happens and than i feel like a crappy boyfriend because she doesn’t deserve this. I just feel like a crappy human being and I don’t know what to do. I’m open to any suggestions and thank you if you read through all of my crappy problems.

( s.n I am seeing a therapist because i do have depression and i brought it up to him but he hasn’t really helped)

Edit: I was in a very munipulative relationship a while back and i have been just chopping it up to that may be why but i am not to sure.

TL;DR : Do whatever you wanna do…… why am i so angry about anything you do?

  1. Is it possible you have feelings for Ray? Or maybe you feel like she is potentially more likable than you are so maybe others may like her better?

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