What is your best high school story?

  1. Senior year, I was working on a one-act play version of “Cyrano De Bergerac” with a bunch of other kids in theater.

    One weekend, maybe a month into rehearsals but about a week or so before we actually had to perform (it was part of our final grade), our director decided the entire cast needed to spend a weekend together, getting our shit together and rehearsing for two straight days.

    We did not rehearse. We sat around getting stoned and sleeping most of the time. My mother was freaked out because the house we were staying at (which belonged to a relative of one of my fellow cast members and was unoccupied at the time) didn’t have a phone and I wasn’t responding to her urgent pages because I just did not give any fucks whatsoever.

    Our Roxanne was a sweet, shy girl but OMG when we drove anywhere with her, she would cuss like a sailor which we all found incredibly hilarious because she just didn’t seem like the kind of person who knew those words, yanno?

    It was probably one of the greatest weekends of my entire fucking high school career.

  2. That time I accidentally dropped my used tampon as I was wrapping it up and it left a blood trail as it rolled to the next stall, where the occupant had their subway sprawled out on the floor. It lightly bumped their sandwich, I heard a “hnng” they gathered their lunch and ran out of the bathroom. Good times…

  3. Alright so I failed first grade (relevant) so I was 18 and a junior. I moved out of my moms house basically a month after my bday (so July) and when school was back I was working overnight so I needed to go on independent studies. They told me that my reason wasn’t “a valid reason to not go to school” ummm miss girl I got bills. Anyways… I told them I didn’t live in this district then and I would need to transfer schools. They scoffed and said “okay well what’s your address” and then she said “oh this isn’t in our district” yeah that’s what I just said. Told them I would not be staying for school since I just got off work and that I’m leaving. They had the audacity to call my mom and say I wasn’t there when I told them I would not be going to any classes and they said it was fine (as if they had a choice). I didn’t have any friends at this point. I pretty much was that person that the 2 popular people (my ex bestie and ex boyfriend) told everyone to stay away from me and that I’m this and that (they did this freshman year so I was outlawed for basically all of my hs and hung with the stoners, smart kids, or the theater kids although I was not one) Saw most people I knew and kept walking and I haven’t looked back since

  4. I was one of the art kids in high school, and one day there was a gallery set up in school to show off our artwork. Somebody actually bought something I’d made! Nothing was technically for sale but there were under the table cash deals going on, so I made like $50 off of a painting. First and only time I made money with a painting, but damn did it feel really good to know that someone NOT my family liked what I did.

  5. I graduated a year early at 16 to avoid hanging out with a crowd who was encouraging me to self harm. everyone thoguht (back then and even still today) that it was to be with my boyfriend, who was a year ahead of me. i had to get letters of recommendation from everyone and I had a teacher email my parents directly to say to NOT let me graduate with him because it was toxic and I could do so much better if I left our small town, and I was just obsessed with him, and we would just pop out kids and become drugs addicts. but I didn’t correct her why I wanted to graduate early. i got enough other letters I graduated and moved on with my life.

    I DID marry that guy, we have 3 wonderful kids, I became a nurse at 20, he bought me a house for my 22 birthday, we’re doing alright for ourselves. graduating early didn’t cure my self harm issues but it did provide me the distance to grow a bit as my own person& I did eventually physically overcome it

  6. High school sucked for me. So much so that I left and finished on an online school.

  7. My dear bff had a punk band, I used to help writting the lyrics. I also sold poems and love letters, and even tracked the recipients around the school. I was the weird mail girl with really short hair and boy’s shoes.

  8. ‘Dropped out’ to homeschool. But ended up just working and enjoying life. Later I got my GED easily. I was a good student, A average.

    The bullying, the fact that anything sport or art related cost money to do, and that one history class learned a well rounded history and mine just learned about fashion through the ages, made me realise how much of a waste of time high school was.

    So leaving was my best memory.

  9. Around 20 of us decided to be childish and spent an entire afternoon pelting each other with water balloons. Had to spend quite a bit of time filling bucketloads of them around the quad. We got into trouble for it (didn’t hit anyone not playing) but was 100% worth it.

  10. getting stoned af everyday with my best friend .. before during and after school

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