A few years ago, after a lot of fighting and tears, my (29M) ex (29F) of 3 years and I broke up. She was the only woman I ever loved, but after 4 months of healing I decided I had to move on.

I met this girl (27F) through dating apps and it was instant chemistry, we went on dates, a lot of common interests, and I really enjoyed talking to her. However, whenever she was not around I missed my ex desperately. After a few months when the honeymoon period was over, I started getting the ick with this new girl, after sex I just wanted her gone, away from me, and all my feelings for my ex hit me like a truck. I was just using the new girl to fill a void in my heart. Sometimes I would just want to get away from her, other times I realized I did like her.

Eventually, I couldn’t keep it up anymore and ended it. She was understandably very hurt, but said she understood. I got back together with my ex.

Fast forward a year, my ex and I broke up again for similar reasons. I am still hurting, but also realizing that I did like my rebound. Should I reach out to her? We parted on good terms but I’m uncertain if it will end up the same as last time. If I will still get the “ick”.

Tl;dr: Went on a rebound after relationship ended, got back with ex, broke up again, unsure if I should restart things with rebound girl.

  1. No. You’ve inflicted enough damage. And it would be *beyond* insulting for you sniff around her for the second time to try to heal the wounds inflicted by the very same ex. You need to be single for a while.

  2. You know people don’t deserve to be ‘your rebound’ right? The world doesn’t revolve around you. Seriously you sound desperate to not be alone. You should not be allowed near a woman until you are worthy of her and being a boy pretending to be a man has to stop somewhere dude

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