I (19F) can’t imagine being with the guys that have been interested in me so far (and that I’ve also been attracted to). Like I’m attracted to them and all but I can’t picture myself getting married to them, living with or owning a house with them…

One person in particular i get along with very well and to me (and all of our friends) we seem like we have great chemistry and would mesh well together. But i just dont see that future with them…is this a legitimate reason not to want to date someone? Or is it the commitment issues coming out?

  1. With no other information, we can’t really know. Are there incompatibilities? Red flags?

  2. There is no legitimate or illegitimate reason to not date someone. You don’t need a reason at all. Attraction and chemistry are not the only things to consider. Only date people for your own reasons.

  3. 1.) There are no “legit” reasons to date or not date someone. There are also no illegitimate ones. You can start things up or break things off for any reason, or none at all.

    2.) I’d caution you against this, all the same. You probably shouldn’t be planning out the layout of the kitchen islands, or what color your son’s first pair of sneakers will be before ever going on a date with someone.

    Those are the kinds of things you should be thinking about well *into* a relationship, not before one.


    If you’re *attracted* to someone, and you’re both available, date them. See where it goes.

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