You find out this girl may have a crush on you

  1. Tell her you are flattered, but you are a man of honor and are not going to reciprocate until her relationship with her boyfriend is clearly over and it is beyond the rebound period.

  2. Take your phone out, hit record, hold the phone up and say if you flirt and hot on me again I will tell your boyfriend but act like you are answering a text message.

  3. Uncomfortable.

    You probably don’t want to get in the middle of that kind of situation, assuming they’re not ethically non-monogamous.

    There’s no like…comfortable outcome there, right? It’s all potential drama.

  4. First time she flirts, I laugh it off. Second time I ask her if her BF knows about it. Third time I tell her that if her BF didn’t know about it, he’s going to if it happens again.

    I don;t mind flirting with a lady in a relationship so long as her partner is ok with it, but if they’re not, I’m not and it stops ASAP.

  5. Get out of there and honestly this should be a turn off

    Dont even hit it, try to be on that poor guy’s shoes

    Just skip it man , there are plenty of women everywhere

  6. I start talking about my gundam kits, my workstation, the projects im working on.

    Then i tell her about my collection of fleshlights i order from

    If she still hasnt left yet, then i tell hwr i have a gf.

  7. Avoid her. It may look good to hit it but you will regret it later. People without values and principles always end up fucking up everyone around them. Doesn’t matter the gender.

  8. you tell the guy, because bro code

    ‘hey man, are you still with NAME? because she’s seriously coming on to me. I don’t want mess up your relationship with her…’

  9. If I don’t know the guy a quick one night stand is okay. But of course you don’t take bitches like that seriously. Under no circumstances whatsoever.

  10. Happened recently with a coworker of sorts. We’re both in relationships and she knows it.

    Currently trying to keep as much distance as I can and be strictly professional.

  11. I have a girlfriend and am very happy with her, so I would just let her know that I am taken.

    If I would have been single, I would still not be up for it. Even if she would be hot and kind. I don’t want to be responsible for her cheating. That would not be fair to her partner. If she really wanted me, I would ask her to break up with her partner first.

    However, if I was single and she would be in an open relationship, and her partner would know… Then I might be up for it, if she is hot and kind.

    Most likely, if she would break up, I would have a one night stand at best. A relationship with someone who cheats so easily? Not a good idea.

  12. No dont think with your dick and don’t destroy other man’s life. Maybe he loves her very much and may fall into deep depression if he finds out that she cheated? Don’t do it.

  13. How do you know they aren’t swingers, or live an alternative lifestyle? Is he a cuckhold? Etc etc. If the flirting bothers you, simply keep your distance.

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