I am destroyed writing this. I am currently in a long distance relationship with a man who I’ve been with for six months, we are both newly 18. When it’s good it’s great, and I think I love him a lot. But if you asked me a bit ago, I wouldn’t hesitate in saying that I do (which concerns me). He has done absolutely nothing wrong and is as close to a perfect boyfriend as you could picture, and I really doubt I could find someone else + I don’t wanna restart + I still want him.

It’s just that recently I’ve been having more and more frequent thoughts about leaving him and other typical relationships insecurities. But it scares me that they happen so much. We have very open communication and have spoke on this a lot, and he basically is telling me to do whatever I want or need to, but I don’t even know that! If I could only find a way to curb this uncertainty and wacky days, everything would be perfect again. I want to put in the effort to fix this and myself, but I don’t know how.

Deep down, I’m most concerned that this is just me delaying an inevitable breakup and we are both wasting our time patching up these cracks, but I also like to think that if we can push past thing rough patch, we could legitimately have a happy ending and it would all be worth it. How do I tell which route to take? I don’t want to leave him and be alone and see him move on, I want him. I just don’t want this. I don’t want what we have right now, I want what we had before I stared acting weird. Please help, I need tips or advice or just someone to talk to about this. Thank you for reading.

TLDR: problems with long distance bf, should I leave or work on it ?

(Also, please don’t just automatically comment “break up”, I want that as an absolute last resort ty <3)

  1. Have you ever met in person? Is there an end in sight of being long distance?

  2. Info- has this relationship alway been long distance? How long have you been LDR? This is early to feel this way but it’s also totally normal. It’s great you can communicate bc that is super healthy and necessary especially in this situation.

  3. Honestly, he sounds like a great partner.

    At the same time, you’re both really young and it’s natural to not be sure if you want something intense and serious! The good thing about the relationship being an LDR and him being an understanding partner is that you might be able to request space for a few weeks (like a temporary separation) to reflect on what you want.

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