When in your life have you been the most scared and why?

  1. Drug addict brother was beating down the door to our house…I know I could beat him to an inch of his life but he was on something and that changes everything.

  2. I have been 200 miles out at sea in the worst storm I’ve known, when was stabilizer broke and started being the concrete hall of our 54 foot boat. Just the skipper and I aboard. We hauled that thing in and had to face the wind until it died down. I wasn’t so scared then I was just full of adrenaline and on point. I have been charged by warthogs, involved in half a dozen high-speed crashes, every time it’s the adrenaline and focus. The fears and terrors I have had have all been about mistakes I have made and they come when I’m lying in bed. Safest place I could ever be.

  3. In recent memory, the other day on a plane I came VERY close to puking. For about the last half hour of the flight I had my hands gripping the seat in front of me, doing my best to not move a muscle. Looking at a screen or out the window made it worse. When we finally stopped my entire body felt like your foot feels when it falls asleep. Thankfully I kept it all in.

  4. I wrecked a motorcycle, and I couldn’t walk for a while. I was just wiggling my toes over and over, reassuring myself that I wasn’t paralyzed.

  5. When my ex played a prank on me and told me she was pregnant.

    Why? I don’t ever want kids.

  6. Got pulled over on my way home from a bar the night before Christmas Eve one year. I’d left because I figured I had had just about enough, but it’s hard to be so sure when you’re actually doing the sobriety tests on the side of the road (which was very slick with ice).

    Luckily I was just under the limit, but I’ve remembered that fear so I don’t come that close again.

  7. Went through a school shooting in 2014, it was one of the most bizarre experiences I’ve had in my life so far. Encapsulated in those moments were the thoughts of how absurd this whole thing was, “this is REALLY happening???” paired with the thoughts of “is this REALLY it???”

    The murderer *only* injured four and murdered one 19 year old boy. I’ve never seen my country the same since then.

  8. I was 24 junior year of college, the nurse hands me my newborn daughter and I sat there scared out of my mind. We stuck to it, my gf (now wife) and I both finished college. My daughter is going to be 10 in July, my son will be 6 in August. Life is good, I cannot complain.

  9. This might sound silly now that I’m healthy but just a couple weeks ago I caught COVID and it hit me really, really hard. I was really sick for two weeks. The first two days I ran a very high fever and I was so dizzy I couldn’t stand up.

    All I could think about was “what happens if I wake up tomorrow, can’t breathe, and have to go to the hospital? Do they put me on a ventilator?”

    My fever lasted close to a week. Toward the end of that week I started wondering if I’d be able to get healthy on my own or if the fever was enough for me to need medical attention.

    And of course I was a big dummy and instead of just talking to a doctor I freaked myself out with stuff I read on Google.

    I did end up getting better. Still have some lingering fatigue but I never had to go to the hospital, thank God.

  10. When I was diagnosed with cancer, back in 2010. I’m healthy now and in remission.

  11. I don’t get scared
    Though when my sis got lost I could legit feel my heart in sheer agony and fear
    Luckily we found her 2 hours later

  12. The drive to the hospital after I got a call at 5:35am to come down because my wife took a turn for the worse. By that, they meant she’d died. It was a half hour drive of not knowing, but thinking and fearing the worst, convincing yourself it couldn’t be, in circles. 19 years later, it still goes on some days.

  13. When I hit some black ice, slammed into a pole and couldn’t see out of my right eye for two days.

  14. My email said: “Incorrect Password”

    Then I realized that it got added a extra minuscule.

    But it really scared the shit outta me.

  15. It was really scary but also strangely calming. I had a full on police looking for me with a spotlight situation, I had to hide behind this tree and move with the light to stay out of it. Got away. I wasn’t really the person who did anything but I was on probation so I wasn’t playing around with cops.

  16. When I went Bungee Jumping (trampoline). It was something far beyond anything I ever had the chance to experience. That being said, the scared part only happened before the launch, while it was happening, for a second I thought something went wrong, and the fear turned into acceptance of my impending death.

  17. My friends and I went to an abandoned asylum back in college. We just walked around the place and explored, had some fun, maybe smashed a few things. So we’re all together just talking and suddenly we heard a loud bang as if something dropped or was knocked over. Two of us start to walk down a corridor and investigate, saw what appeared to be a shadowy figure rush by at the far end of that hallway and we all dipped.

  18. Was dealing with a lot of weird bodily tension for a few months. Smoked some weed one night and felt my heart tighten up like a knot. At first I was chill and hopped in a cold shower but my chest just got tighter and tighter. I had was super calm at first waiting for my heart to relax but it didn’t. A fear like no other struck me, it was very primal and I had never experienced anything like it before. Usually I’m very calm in scary situations but this time I wasn’t able to be calm. It was weird because I wasn’t freaking out or anything just felt this indescribable background terror that I was about to die and it wasn’t a fear I could control. In that moment I learned how much our bodies drive us towards self preservation at a DEEP subconscious level, beyond anything you are consciously aware of or able to control. I felt like my mind had been overridden by the need to survive. I called 911 and sat waiting on the steps for them to arrive. Eventually at the hospital my heart calmed down and I felt my brain go back to normal.

    The weird bodily tension is still there to this day and every time I’ve smoked weed since I’ve felt my heart tighten the same way but I know now that if I lay down it will eventually go away. Can’t smoke weed anymore but hey, what can you do…

  19. Almost being abducted as a child I still remember running and hiding from the car

  20. I got a call from the police telling me my brother had attempted to kill himself. They told me I should get to the hospital as soon possible. It was obvious from the way they said it that, I had no time to spare.
    I’ve tried to convey to my wife and my family what those hours were like. But. No one gets it. I was the last person to see my brother alive. It was pure terror.
    I couldn’t comfort him. He was in so much pain. I can’t ever tell anyone how much pain I saw. He couldn’t speak. Could he understand when I told him how much I loved him?

  21. I was caught up in traffic and running a few minutes late to picking up my son at his elementary school. When I got there, he was gone. I called my ex and she said she didn’t have him. None of the school officials knew where he was. They contacted the bus drivers and he wasn’t on a bus. I got in my car and just drove around searching the streets in the neighborhood around the school. I was panicked and felt helpless.

    I was close to giving up when I noticed a kid with a big backpack walking on the sidewalk a few blocks from me. As I got closer I could see that it was my little guy. As I pulled up to him I rolled down my window and did something I have regretted all of these years…I let my fear and emotions overtake me, and I yelled at him. I wish I just would have pulled up and said something like, “Hey buddy, where are you headin’? Need a ride?”.

    Turned out he got tired of waiting and decided he wanted to try walking home (he was nowhere close to going in the right direction). I imagine at some point he would have realized he was lost and either sat on the curb and waited or knocked on someone’s door. Still, there is nothing like the fear of losing your kid.

  22. Laying in a dusty ditch bleeding out because I was impaled on a piece of rebar

  23. Right now. With kids, mortgage, inflation, war, climate change, interest rates.

  24. My wife and I have decided that we’ll be emigrating in the next few months. After a great 30 years, it’s really daunting to leave all that’s familiar (society, food, family, friends, etc.) to start a new life overseas.

  25. When I had suicidal thoughts. I thought I was immune from these thoughts. Yet, in approximately 4 months I was in the most unstable period I ever been and testing the strength of a belt around my neck. Luckily, I managed to reel myself back but it hard to not to tell anyone about my thoughts. I had to keep them bottle up and still have no one to talk to.

  26. One of the moments was sliding off a cliff. Why well I didn’t know how high I was also every step I tried to take going up. I would go down 3 feet. Also dying or getting injured really badly.

  27. I was in the army 16 years. Deployments, sure it had some scary moments and I was afraid. But nothing comes close to the anxiety I feel when it comes to exams, proficiency checks and things like that. I know my stuff, but start asking me questions and grade me, I am done for. I prefer getting shot at again.

  28. Sister’s boyfriend trying to beat down my apartment front door because my sister had interpreted something I said to be offensive. I was around 15 at the time and he was a fully grown 6 foot 2 inches tall man. I was waiting on the other side with two knives because I was convinced he was going to get in.

    If things had gone my sister’s way and he’d gotten in to beat me up, I’d have stabbed him, he’d have likely died and left her to raise their two kids on her own, I’d have gone to prison or a youth equivalent, and all our lives would have been ruined. But in the moment, it was just this crazy cunt trying to kill me, and me with weapons in my hands ready to defend myself if I had to.

  29. My dumb ass took a fat burner, and large Red Bull and a sexual enhancement pill. My heart rate was around 180 and very hard. I legit felt like my heart was going to give out and I was going to die. I was sweating like crazy and would feel this weird heat wave that would start at the top of my body and end at the bottom of my feet. I was delirious and my wife had to take me to the doctor. After a couple hours and some beta blockers I was back to normal but since then I don’t drink energy drinks or practically any stimulants at all besides the occasional Coke. I started eating healthier and lost a good amount of weight. I drink a gallon of water a day and limit red meat. I still get ptsd when ever my heart rate would elevate. I never knew how life was so fragile till that moment.

  30. Fell asleep at the wheel.

    Woke up when I started going through bushes/trees.

    I’m now pretty vocal against tired driving and consider it far worse than drunk/high. Drunk/High = you have reduced awareness/reaction time. Fall asleep at the wheel and you have NONE.

    It might just be 20 minutes until you get home. Don’t assume you’ll make it, find a layby and take 30 minutes.

  31. Had to walk a mile from school to my grandmas house when I was 12. The street lights had all lost power and I couldn’t see anything because the moon had been blocked by clouds. Swore to god I was gonna die to a demon because I was a frequent in church by force.

  32. One story happened as a kid and one story happened last year. I used to get sleep paralysis all the time that I actually tried to control it. They were terrifying. if anyone has any experience with that you know what I mean.
    When I was younger I was all about aliens and the supernatural. So I thought these experiences was more of my imagination. One night had sleep paralysis. But I could clearly hear people in my room. I could hear them telepathically if that makes sense. I was terrified. I can hear them all around me and I couldn’t move I was absolutely terrified. When I came out of it I was so upset that I ran to the bathroom and locked the door and I sat on the heater vent. I put my nighty over the vent to keep warm. Then I could see the door handle jiggling around. I called out asking if it was my sister and there was no answer. I could still see it jiggling and shadows moving underneath the door. But there was no foot sounds. My eyes were just so fixated on the door and I was so quiet I was terrified. I must’ve stayed there for a couple of hours. I had continual experiences like that one after but it was never as intense as that first experience.

    I’ve had polycystic kidneys for a long while and last year I was in almost total kidney failure and had to go on dialysis 4 to5 times a week. Because they were so big they had to remove them. I had to live without kidneys for a few months and let me tell ya that was not pretty. I got so sick that I had to be hospitalized because fluids were building up in my body and drowning me. I had my kidney transplant coming up but my body was not handling not having crucial organs. One night I just felt that was banned. Just everything wasn’t working I knew I was dying. I have four children the youngest being 10 and I had to pick up my phone and write them Goodbye letters. My boyfriend at the time felt the same way I think. He came back after leaving to hug me again because I think we both thought I wasn’t gonna make it. When he left I just feel terrified. That was the last time I talk or see anyone I love. I never felt fear from acceptance. That is a weird fucked up headspace.

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