Hello, I am a 20 year old man from London. I do not have a circle of friends and so I feel trapped. I really want to meet a woman, I feel I am ready, having never had a relationship before. However, I am totally stuck on what to do? Where to go? It’s not as easy as, go to a pub, go to a bar. What? On my own? I’ve never approached woman before… they’ve never approached me. Hinge and Tinder have not worked for me once. Just at a total loss. Thanks.

  1. You should try at work, uni / college, volunteering or social circles. What I realised is its really hard to approach women if your not already sociable. When i go out with my friends all male, I focus on having a good time and dont pay too much attention to women. If they are interested you will 100 percent know it. Repeated eye contact is a big sign. Going out on your own can work but its really bloody hard, I too am in London so I know. You sort of need female friends or a good mixed friend group can help immensely… Gym maybe?

  2. What I have learned is that it is about increasing your social circle. People can do this at bars, work, school, etc. I think social clubs like biking/running/recreational activities like art can help.

    The key is to focus on meeting people getting their contact info and hitting it off from there.

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