What’s for dinner tonight?

  1. Don’t know yet, I’m tired as fuck though and don’t really feel like going shopping or cooking tonight so I’ll probably grab some takeout. Maybe chinese.

  2. Looking like a bachelor meal of porkchop and asparagus.

    Wife and kids are out of town and I’m lazy today. I’ll probably make a pan sauce with it.

  3. Trying not to use the oven and stove too much lately so I’m taking one night to cook all the things. 2 quiches, roasted corn, rice casserole, plain white rice, quinoa salad, vegan taco filling, salsa chicken, butter chicken, and probably some popcorn shrimp I found in the freezer. Not really sure what of that I’m actually going to eat tonight.

  4. Eggplant Parmigiana with fresh mozzarella and fresh grated aged Asiago cheese.

  5. I’m a piece of garbage and am just gonna have some 12 oz nutrition and watch hockey. Whoo.

  6. No idea. Gonna go through the freezer and see what will be quick to defrost. Probably chicken thighs or something along those lines.

  7. Leftover hotdogs from the weekend barbecue and maybe some cold bean salad with vinegar dressing.
    Trying to not hear the house.

  8. My wife is making Shepherd’s Pie.

    Well, technically it’s Cottage Pie to the purists, but I don’t care since it’s delicious either way.

  9. I’m probably going to eat this PF Chang’s skillet meal I have in the freezer. It’s just me tonight, so the lower effort the better.

  10. Boyfriends making steak on the grill, corn on the cob, and mashed potatoes.

    So that is what is for dinner for us!

  11. Fresh caught trout with rosemary and lemon.

    Mushrooms and garlic

    Mashed Potatoes

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