we all have big things like going out for the day or having a party where everyone is included but sometimes i can see on snap maps that they’re together at one of their houses. it isn’t discussed on our group chat so i assume they have their own group chat.

the thing is i don’t know how many people in our group are treated the same way as me and i’m nervous to ask in case i’m being to inclusive and self centred.

any help?

  1. If you have a weird feeling about it you’re probably right. You can confront them if you’d like. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s possible that they’re actually shitty friends. If your feelings are hurt or if you’re offended, say something.

  2. Well, it’s normal to experience FOMO.
    Sometimes, it would just skip their mind to invite you or it might be intentional.
    Casually mention that you saw their snap while having a face to face conversation, the next time you all meet up.
    Observe their reaction and pick on it.
    If you feel you asking them to include you in their future plans will come across as desperate, do it anyways.
    If you are wanted, you will be invited.
    If you aren’t, then it’s time to move on, keeping friends for whom you clearly aren’t a priority on the backburner and focus on your goals

    It’s better to know that you aren’t invited deliberately than for you to assume all sort of things and live in a state of FOMo

  3. They are simply closer friends with each other than with you.

    If you eant, you could say sth like “Yo I saw you haged out at X’s house, call me as well if you’re gonna do something like that again”. They will still be free to not invite you but at least you will have made your intention known.

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