She came out with an album a few years ago in the US that was moderately successful but she doesn’t get the recognition she deserves. Is she more popular in Europe?

Is she as big as bands like ABBA and Ace of Base?

She’s also really pretty and does a good job of mixing pop with electronic music.

  1. Never heard of her, I had to google that. But I can definitely say that she’s not as big as ABBA. Like, come on, ABBA is one of the best-selling bands in history and it’s still popular.

    And she’s apparently one year younger than me, but looks older than me.

  2. She was known (not very popular) a few years ago, last time I heard of her was when she and David Guetta performed at the final of Euro 2016 in France. Then I’ve lost sight of her, but yes, previously she had some songs known here. She also featured in a song with Clean Bandit.

  3. Safe to say she’s probably more popular here than in any other country in the world hahah

  4. The name seems familiar so I think she probably released a hit or two here but over than that , can’t think of anything.

  5. I haven’t heard her stuff in the radio in years. Lush Life was pretty popular, the Euro song was everywhere (especially in Portugal as we won the Euro that year), but I haven’t heard of her since Symphony came out.

    She’s nowhere close to being as popular as ABBA was/is. I’ve never heard of Ace of Base so I can’t tell about that.

  6. Never heard of her, looking up top viewed songs of her i still don’t recognise any. Sounds like the default pop radio songs that can be either from this year or from anywhere even 10 years ago. I first though i missclicked and YT queued some Rihanna song

  7. If you have to ask this question, you probably already know the answer (= not much).

  8. Never heard of her, but then again I don’t exactly follow music scene closely.

  9. She has been played a lot on Danish Radio channels. She’s known but doesn’t have anywhere near the name recognition of especially ABBA.

  10. She was popular for a bit, but haven’t heard much of her recently. Then again, I don’t listen to the radio all that much.

  11. I know she did the euros song of the ‘Euro that most not be named’. Apart from that don’t really know anything about her.

  12. Nope, google tells me she won a swedish talent show – those people usually don’t gain recognicion beyond their country. Because we speak different languages in Europe, people usually don’t watch other countries TV

  13. Well I never heard of her, but she has Wikipedia page in Slovene language, so I guess she is not completely unknown

  14. Who?

    I guess that answers your question …

    Also, you really can’t compare Abba and Ace of Base. That’s like, Idk, Aerosmith vs the Hansons.

  15. Uhhh lol no. I’ve heard of her and I heard her songs a long time ago but I would say that she’s just one of those singers you mostly listen to on the radio and then you immediately forget about it.
    I know I used to have some of her songs in my playlist at one point but I don’t even remember the titles anymore. I’m 100% positive that most people have never even heard of her… Unless you listen to the radio all the time or are super into pop culture, you wouldn’t know her.

    When it comes to female singers, I think that Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Camila Cabello, Selena Gomez, Dua Lipa, Rihanna, Olivia Rodrigo, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé are ALL more popular and well-known than Zara Larsson. But even then, none of them are comparable to ABBA… Everyone knows ABBA, even old people (actually, especially old people) so I should’ve phrased it ‘even young people’ whereas I doubt many older people would know these other singers I mentioned.

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