I went to a different school in gr9 and knew lots of people but had to transfer to a diff school because of my parents job getting located to a diff area. I’m about to finish a school year in this new school but matarlo i’ve been planning on transferring back to my old school because majority of the people i know were there. it’s not that i hate my new school it’s just that i genuinely know more people there than here and I just wanna go back. I’ve told my friends about it. some of them thought it was a good idea to go back but some of them opposed my idea and said i should stay at my new school and adapt. tbh I genuinely have no idea what to do. it’s not that my new school is bad but like I barely know people here but in my old school I knew everyone😭 I also kinda struggle with talking to new people now cause idk how to start convos idk wtf to do

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