Which country in Europe’s people do you like the most? Could be the most fun, the nicest, etc.

  1. BOSNIANS! Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my life. Wonderful country too might I add

  2. All of them?

    There’s great people everywhere. There are real jerks everywhere too.

  3. I would say thr Irish are probably the most universally liked in the US. Granted this is a 180 from the mid 19th Century to early 20th Century.

  4. This is probably a basic b!tch answer…but the UK. Every Brit I’ve ever met has been very nice and very funny.

  5. I found Czech people in my experience to be really kind and a lot of fun to spend time with.

  6. All the Polish people I’ve ever known have been super super friendly

  7. I’ve never met anyone from Paris, and I understand it’s different, but my all of my French friends are great!

  8. I can understand British and Irish people the best, so I’ll go with them. I have always had a soft spot for the slightly jaded, somewhat ironical attitude of the British and the Irish towards life.

  9. Don’t know, I haven’t talked to anyone who outed their nationality like that except an Iranian guy who was really nice.

  10. In my experience. Polish and Greeks are either really cool and funny or very stubborn and disagreeable.

    Irish people are the shit

  11. Canada

    Edit: this is a joke. I’ve never been to Europe so I can’t answer this seriously.

  12. The Aegean Islands Greeks are the most gracious, accommodating people I’ve ever met in my entire life

  13. Italians, I found them surprisingly introverted compared to American stereotypes. I also liked how many Italians were avid readers.

  14. Haven’t met a ton of Europeans outside of Scandinavia. even when I lived in Norway… But the few that I’ve met, the French were very nice and never gave me trouble because of my nationality like others did.

  15. I’ve met many great people from many countries and there are many mean people from all the same countries too.

  16. In my experience, Eastern Europeans have been some of the nicest people I’ve ever met – especially polish people. Honorary mentions to the Nordic countries as well.

    On the flip side, the Germans I’ve met have been fairly cold, and hold some really condescending views towards the United States. I’ve heard the whole “we’re cold at first, but once we get to know you we’ll be great friends!“ spiel and I just don’t like that. You can be a great friend and also be approachable before that, too. That’s their culture maybe, so I mean do as you please – it’s just not an approach to small talk or acquaintanceships I prefer.

  17. One of my online friends is Finnish so maybe Finland. I can relate to their almost naturally occurring ability to not understand small talk

  18. I found nice people everywhere in Europe (even Paris),but hands down the nicest were in Ireland.

  19. My best friend is a transplant from the UK, so I’m gonna have to go with that. This is, of course, totally an issue of sample size. I know about 10 people from Europe, irl, and they are all either her family, another friend’s family, or my family. They are all from the UK.

  20. As far as recent experience goes, I’ve enjoyed my time in Scotland and the Czech Republic the most.

    I shared a sense of humor with the majority of Scots I met during my time there. That helped form connections. The Czechs were all constantly wanting to feed me and pour Pilsner-Urquell and Kozel down my throat.

    They were like the Eastern European grandmas I never knew I needed, just with alcohol. Even the men.

    It was a good time.

  21. Italy, cause my extended family lives there.

    I’ve never actually been to Europe so my opinion is only shaped by those Europeans who have come here and my Nonna and her family are clearly better than all the rest of y’all.

  22. The Irish, bar none. Most fun, least uptight, least arrogant, best sense of humor.

  23. I’ve never met a Russian I didn’t like.

    My neighbor in my second semester college dorm was a study abroad student from Russia, so I met quite a few Russians through him, even hooked up with a hot Russian girl who is now a professor thanks to him.

    Anyway, fun people and always down to party in the USA.

    Once I was hanging out with them and said I had to grab some beer and something to eat, and I came back with Bud Light and McDonalds and they got a good laugh out of my American-ness lol

    Anyway, then I started chasing shots of vodka with aforementioned Bud Light and thus earned their respect back.

  24. I have had the great fortune of traveling throughout Europe, and have had great experiences in every country. A few bad ones, too. But genuinely amazing people throughout.

    That said, Latvian and Lithuanian people are without a doubt the most wonderful. Welcoming. So nice.

    And Romanian women are the best to date…if you like crazy.

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