What’s a quality you wouldn’t want in your wife/partner that most men do?

  1. Submissive and docile.

    If I didn’t half think that she’s crazy and capable of killing me in my sleep, I would not be into her.

  2. The whole submissive housewife thing. I understand the appeal but it’s not for me, and that’s not to say that I’m into what’s on the other end of the spectrum either.

  3. Extremely beautiful/sexy. been there done that not worth it. Spend all ur time beating other men off of her or constant reminders that ur very replaceable. All of her ‘guy friends’ are lined up to get her drunk if u get in a fight. Personalitys are always shit too.

  4. I don’t want to date the most popular guy in the room.

    I prefer someone low-key, super nice, patient, and enjoys one-on-one conversations. And I’m saying this as an outgoing introvert who also has had plenty of jobs where I have to be outgoing and friendly. I just find it exhausting to be around someone who’s always “on.”

    Update: sorry I frequently forget which sub I’m responding to. Please delete if not allowed but I’ll leave it in case someone likes reading this take.

  5. Crazy sex, like idk. I ain’t into all of that and having hella sex, sex is good. In moderation, idk just not a huge fan of sex. Really takes up a lot of time if we’re being honest. Some quick sex before bed daily is a maybe, but I have friends that legit have sex everyday fuckking day and some weekends they have 3-5 rounds and fuck for hours. Nah bruh that ain’t me, like I wanna hit the gym. Walk my dog, I need to at least minimum spend 2-5 hours a day just looking at my fish tanks
    I also have a skinny penis and don’t like looking at it

  6. Based on the comments in this thread:

    Someone loud, obnoxious and argumentative. I’d rather someone demure, modest and reasonable.

    Also sexy. Cute is my thing

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