Basically, I’m talking to two girls at the moment through OLD.

Haven’t been on a date with either yet but just arranged a date with one in two weeks time. And I talking to the second girl if things keep going as they are, I’m enjoying talking to her too so could see a date been arranged with her too.

I’ve never done this before though, I know it’s new, were not togethe so it isn’t cheating or anything. And if it were me, I wouldn’t mind a girl dating another guy but I wouldn’t want it going on long. No more than 2, I’d want her to have picked one of us by then before any real investment started
. It in the past I’ve always felt if dating someone myself, if want to focus solely on them and give them a fair chance, see if we click and all that
but currently I’m torn as both girls seem nice so far.

I’m interested to know what you guys would think, specifically women?
Edit: How would you feel if you were dating someone and they were dating other people, not just you at the same time?,


  1. Just have fun with it. Get to know them and understand it takes more than 2 days to figure things out with people

  2. I wouldn’t mind as long as they’re able to narrow their focus to one person after 2-3 dates with each of us. Any more than that and I would feel like they’re dating without intention and wasting my time.

  3. Its totally normal to date multiple people at once while its casual, until they decide to go exclusive with one of them.

  4. Idc if you’re dating another person casually, but as soon as there’s intimacy involved, I would need it to be exclusive.
    Can’t imagine knowing you kiss someone, and the very next day they’re gonna sleep with someone else.

  5. It’s pretty common, I don’t have the energy to do it though. If I went on a date with a guy and he told me he was talking and going on a date with another girl I’d not be surprised or be too bothered. But ultimately he would have to choose very soon lol

  6. If you met them on a dating app, I’m pretty sure they’re also talking to other guys. (And dating) So don’t worry about it.

  7. Personally I’d be bothered a lot by it. Dating multiple people is so normalized these days, but i guess I’m old school and like to focus on one person at time.

    I’m not running on a dying clock trying to get my “options” in order. That mindset is sad as fuck to me.

  8. Lucky you. It’s fair game until you commit to relationship if you are in early stages of dating.

  9. You aren’t dating either one of them right now. You have met on an app and you are texting and talking. Once you actually go on a few dates… then you are dating. You are still not exclusive. I don’t see a problem with dating multiple people. See who you like, who you vibe with…but be honest with both that you are casually dating people until you meet someone you want to be exclusive with. I definitely understand how it can get complicated, but at this point you haven’t met either and I think it’s normal and healthy to meet both and see where it goes. Just because you agree to go on a date, does not mean you are in a relationship. (I know you didn’t say that- I just don’t believe you should feel guilt). If you find that you really like one of them, then have a conversation with that person. Good luck to you!

  10. until you have a conversation about exclusivity, you’re free to do whatever you want. you haven’t even met these girls yet! have fun getting to know them, don’t worry about choosing before you even know how you get along in person

  11. I hope there’s a good reason for pushing that one date 2 weeks out. It’s going to require a lot of maintenance for that date to just happen

  12. You aren’t dating two people at once. You’re in the talking phase and getting to know them. It’s nothing to feel guilty about because they’re likely saying the same thing. Personally it’s a turn off for me when a girl starts talking about the other guys she’s talking to or even mentions that so I’d probably not offer that information outright

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