What qualities in a partner indicate he will be a good husband or father?

  1. Uh .. unless you’re asking specifically for same sex partners? Maybe ask r/askwomen?

  2. Sense of humor and respect for his own parents (and siblings). Patience would be handy too. Also, a job that’s steady and upwardly mobile.

  3. Respects and values his family. Knows when and how to put his loved ones wishes ahead of his own (compromise).

  4. Honestly, integrity, loyalty, ability to provide and will to do whatever necessary, communication ability +

  5. (1) living for excellence,
    (2) embracing responsibility, and
    (3) meeting the needs of others by saying “no” to self.

  6. Puts others first, good family relationship, mental stability, loyal, checks to make sure people are okay with genuine concern.

  7. Cares more about his family than his friends. You can have friends, but you gotta be considerate of your partner. Its not fair that they have the kids while you hang out all the time.

  8. Is swift as the coursing river.

    Has the force of a great typhoon.

    Has the strength of a raging fire.

    Mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

  9. A good decision maker, kind, knows how to talk things through, mental stability, good with finances and knows how to take the lead when needed. Stays calm in disaster situations 😂

  10. Does his owm chores/cleaning/cooking etc. Lots of parenthood is work and chores and mundane things that need to get done.

  11. Financially responsible, physically fit, good familial ties, some layer of confidence, disciplined to a degree, not violent or has physical self control, is a good leader, can live by certain principles.

    There’s probably more but these things come to mind.

  12. Ask yourself if he’s more of a ‘good boy’ or a ‘bad boy’.
    Stop dating bad men.

    Sounds easier than it is, but it’s also exactly as simple as it sounds.

  13. See how he behaves around kids in his/your family. I don’t know how you organise this. Probably invite him to a family event. See how he interacts. Does he interact well with the little ones? And how does he relate with your elders? Does he integrate with your tribe well? (If a bit shy, really, does he TRY to integrate?)

    How does he resolve conflict with you? And how do you two resolve conflicts together?

    I’m not talking about red flags. I’m talking about what shade of green flag is your shade of green flag.

    Empathy, authenticity, presence, emotional attunement, attention. Goood things.

    Being highly punitive, ignoring problems and putting things off for a long time, ignoring/misinterpreting/pretending to notmknow when you know he knows. Basically anything manipulative really. Is he unfeeling sometimes? Does he show vengeful behaviours?

  14. You’ll see it when he looks at you. If he acts joyful just because he’s around you, he’ll protect your heart and your kids heart with everything he has. But that can fade if he feels you take that for granted.

  15. No offence please don’t take offence. If your father wasn’t a good role model most guys aspire to be the BEST father

  16. Outdoorsmanship, being able to procure food through hunting, fishing or gathering. Plus its quite fun and cuts down on the bills.

  17. Patients and ability to admit fault, wrongs, and that they don’t know something

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