I find it difficult to properly express my anger. I’m a girl who’s short and fat so most people laugh when I express anger (when I say “express anger” I mean “saying that I am angry or disapprove or disagree”) as it seems powerless and childish. So I basically eliminated my anger (it’s not good to be angry anyway so I worked hard on temper breathing thinking before you speak etc) and it worked out fine.

But I’ve recently gotten a leadership position in my college and I’ve found myself doing the bulk of the work. I always try to make everyone else do their fair share but mostly I have to do everything. I do want to properly express my disapproval and anger when someone doesn’t do something or does it wrong, I want to have boundaries but I’m not sure how to go about doing this. I basically don’t feel anger any more but I need to somehow keep everyone in line – any tips?

  1. You do not need anger to be a good leader, and doing all the work is not leading, it’s carrying. Not trying to be offensive, but it’s not far to you. Refuse to share the credit maybe, or ask for assistance from your supervisor?

    Good luck either way!

  2. I don’t see the need for anger in your situation. Set boundaries and follow through. For example, calmly and seriously state that you won’t be doing this or that. And then don’t do it.

    It’s simple.

    It’s hard, but it’s simple.

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