How do you make exercise a habit for you?

  1. Make small changes (going up steps rather than taking the elevator, stuff like that) and make it a point to do it every day for at least 10 minutes. If you’re just starting it may be easier to do it for shorter amounts of time and if you’re really miserable you can just stop; on the other hand, I’ve always found that once you get started you’ll want to keep going, so ten minutes is just a little motivation to get you started if you’re really not in the mood to do it.

    After a while though it becomes something of an addiction and you’ll feel all out of sorts if you don’t get your exercise and you’ll want to do it every day.

  2. Usually setting up a goal works better for most people. Set a time window for that goal and watch the magic happens. If you want to exercise to get in shape then it’s even easier. Once you start seeing the changes on your body, you will be your own biggest motivation to exercise regularly.

  3. i tried a bunch of different types and figured out which ones i liked the most! for me it’s volleyball, weight lifting, hot yoga, and hiking! i hate running, body weight exercises, HIIT, bike riding, etc. so i just simply do not do them, ever. that has helped me a lot! exercise isn’t always just “going to the gym” which blew my mind once i realized that. modifying what you do at the gym can change how you feel about it too so you’re doing things you enjoy. 🙂

  4. I made a commitment to myself to. I set an alarm to go workout before work, and I go. I did it consistently enough it became a habit.

  5. Putting an alarm for the same time everyday and mixing it up (i.e. one day of arm workouts and weight training, one day of HIIT and cardio, one day of kickboxing, one day of squats and lunges etc) so it doesn’t feel too repetitive.

  6. Finding an exercise I actually like (yoga for me, living in a very rural area I can finally go for walks and not be worried about other people), starting out slow and building up feeling the benefits grow every day. Making sure I do something before getting a shower. Doing at least 20 minutes if I’m not feeling up to it for the day because something is better than nothing and 20 minutes doesn’t make me feel burnt out or frustrated.

  7. I do it to destress after work/before I get home. I have to exercise at a gym though, I’m bad at just going on walks after dinner and such.

    Between being an employee and a wife and a mom, the gym is where I get to listen to true crime and have me time. Love the atmosphere there. Just somehow make it your safe place to feel good I guess.

  8. I focus on the feeling afterwards. I go to the gym at 6am and while waking up early isn’t fun, the feeling of accomplishment and calm after my workout is incredible.

  9. I’ve only recently turned it into a habit by making sure to distant my mind from my body and make it like a muscle memory thing. The hard part of keeping it consistent was planning/rearranging new sets…. and well having a hot room makes me want to exercise and sweat a lot so bathing will feel more satisfying.

  10. Finding exercise I enjoy doing. I like weights and biking, walking, basketball! Finding a time that works best for you. Establishing a routine but giving myself grace when I’m not feeling the best is always good. And the feeling afterwards is the best!

  11. I started with going out for a short walk three times a week and every month, I’d add more & more to the routine. At first, it would be just to get into the habit, but it helped because, as it was becoming a routine, it also got easier to do, which made me seek more of a challenge.

  12. Realizing the only way to see any progress is with consistency. I don’t rely on motivation anymore. If I relied on motivation, I’d rarely go. Exercising regularly has taught me dedication and determination. I make myself get up and go, even when I’m not feeling motivated, and it is that which will reward me with results. And you DO see results! It takes time, and dedication. Stay on your schedule, find a routine that works for you, and a type of exercise you enjoy. My personal recommendation: lift HEAVY (safely, of course)! But with any consistent routine and a nutrient dense diet, you will reap the mental and physical health benefits that can set you up to live a longer, stronger, more capable life!

  13. Doing exercise I like, following programs I like on youtube that help keep me motivated. Mostly thinking of exercise as important as brushing your teeth. Not doing for aesthetic purposes but for your health.

  14. For me, it was getting a Fitbit. I’m very reward based. I love getting the badges and cheers at the end of the day!

  15. Yep Try to …use to take Saturday and Sunday off might start doing it on the weekends too again I did it everyday last week

  16. Pack the gym bag the night before. Stop on way home from work. If I don’t want to go, I let myself make that decision only after I drive to the gym. (It’s not out of the way). I’ve only followed through with that once, because I’m already there. Also, I take group fitness classes that have a start time that means I have to leave work on time and no more staying late at my desk- bonus.

  17. Do it in the morning before anything else. Put on a cute workout outfit and just get on your mat/get outside. Find a workout channel you like or fun music playlist!

  18. I started doing something I enjoy. I do not like going to the gym anymore. I love the feeling afterwards but to get dressed, drive there, warm up, drive back is unmotivating to me.

    I started going to hot yoga and HIIT classes. Someone telling me what to do kicks my ass into gear and I love it. I also love a good at home YouTube workout or going for a walk/run outside. This way it doesn’t feel like a chore.

  19. I’d been wanting to for a while. And regretting it when I didn’t follow through. So one day I made it my only goal for the next day and I just started. You can always find reasons why you don’t want to and that is harder than exercise itself. You always feel better after.

    My weight loss had stalled and I knew I had to switch up exercise (add) and/or how I ate. I’d been wanting to get into fitness for a while.

    One thing that does help is wearing workout clothes so it’s one less thing that stops you. Or have a bag to go to the gym after work with you in the car. If you go home and sit down, it won’t happen. And after a while the feeling becomes addicting.

  20. Convince myself to do short workouts. I’ll tell myself that my arm work is only like 10 minutes long (because it is…because I hate doing arms)so I can at LEAST do that much. That small workout often motivates me to move my body in other ways, and before I know it, I’ve somehow managed to get 30-60 minutes of exercise in a day.

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