How many pushups can you do in a row? How many in total?

  1. It turns out I can do a hundred if there’s a trainer yelling at me the whole time.

    But then the next day really sucks.

  2. In a row, about 20. Total. 40-50 maybe. I did t really count. But I know I can do about 20 in a minute from my exercises

  3. In a two minute span, i only do 88. Thay’s my comfort zone.

    But I try to do 88 every two minutes until fatigue won’t let me.

    My record rn, to-date; 387 consecutive ‘proper’ push-ups. Where the 90° angle of the elbow is broke.

    Basically.. 387 nose touches.

    Edit: I took a right arm injury and my record after that is just shy of 200.

  4. Like, 5. I can make it to 10 if I’m willing to hurt myself.

    Yet another problem those of us who enjoy cake more than we enjoy being thin have to deal with.

  5. 20 when I’m taking care but I’d probably barely manage 10 today. Physical exertion is for the proles.

  6. Zero proper ones, I have a birth defect where I’m missing the chest muscles on one side of my chest.

  7. Seventy in a row, on a good day if my shoulder isn’t hurting. The next day I’m pretty sore.

    Three sets of twenty-five, throughout the day, is more doable, and less soreness.

  8. In 2 minutes, I can usually do 70-80. There was *one time* I managed to do 100 without stopping but uh… lol, I don’t think I can redo that now because I’m fat.

  9. Did the 100 push-up/crunch/squat for 100 days during quarantine to keep me busy.

  10. I can do between 45-50 in a minute, probably 30 or so in a row before having to re-adjust.

    Total, I could probably do 80-100ish but I’d feel like my arms were going to fall off.

  11. I crank out 30 on the reg during my workouts

    In highschool I did 100 for our stats. I could probably get darn close to that right now. Certainly with a month of prep time

  12. For me I can do around 20-25 if im doing good form, but if I rush it I can do around 30-35. In total maybe 100 in 7 minutes if im feeling good but 10-15 minutes if im not feeling good

  13. At work in the last hour of the shift I would do 50 consecutive push-ups 10 times with a 3 minute break between sets.
    Insane to bother doing them at work but with gyms closing down repeatedly I needed to get the exercise in somewhere.

  14. Probably like 50. I’m in the army though so I kind of have to get good lol.

    If you’re looking for a good way to get good, search up the bring sally up push-up challenge, they’d use it as punishment for us in the army and man.. it gets you good quick.

  15. With no rest, meaning knees and elbows can’t touch the floor. Probably like 65-70 and then my triceps will most likely give up

  16. The most I had ever done in a row was 60 in an inner squad competition when I played basketball. 8 years later I can do about 35-40 in a row

  17. I just tested and I can do 47 proper diamond pushups. After that my form got a lil off.

  18. I start the day with 100 of them. I haven’t a clue how many I can actually do.

    Thats all show muscle. Mostly it’s so you don’t end up with tits. If you want a proper strength increase you want pullups.

  19. Dunno. Never went for a record. Pushups are usually my warm up routine now. I have gotten 60 done in the course of an hour workout, with weights mixed in between, but those were split into sets of ten reps. I know I can hold a sixty second plank, so….I dunno…30? Maybe more?

  20. I can do 25 with good form in one set; or two sets of 20 with a break in between.

    I also do push-ups with arm rotation – when pushing up, take one arm and stretch it out and up as far as possible. It’s an ab-killer and is great. I can do like 10 of those.

  21. In a row, 20-30. I used to take boxing lessons, in a session it wouldn’t be uncommon to do 200 or so.

  22. When I trained I could take 100 in a row. But I’ve hurt my arm recently, so now I can probably only take 25-30, but it would hurt my arm.

  23. I could do 30.

    I used to do 70, got soft. I started to work out again, a little bit in morning to wake up before work. Small steps.

  24. Probably 10. And I workout every day lol. I just stink at them, I hate them and I don’t wanna do them

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