Alright tall men of Reddit, what else do you do besides using the sink as a urinal?

  1. The top of every refrigerator is filthy. I judge you for that.

    And yeah, that sink peeing thing is pretty cool.

  2. Look down on people and stare at children staring at me because they are afraid i am gonna pick them up and eat them 6ft 8in tall over here.

  3. Lots of back pain and neck pain from slouching to look at people. Also trees are our worst enemies.

  4. Back and neck issues because I have to be contactly bending to be able to see ya’ll.

  5. Iā€™m not super tall (6ā€™1ā€), but I usually have to adjust seats in customers cars when I pull them around. Iv got in a habit of counting how many seconds I have to press down, and how many seconds I have to press back. I always put them as close as I can when Iā€™m done, but man some of them are just smashing knees into the dash

  6. 6’1″ here, I can reach the top shelf at most grocery stores. At the gun store, I was able to reach a rifle that normally requires a step stool for staff to reach, was even able to put it back.

  7. Kind of slough down a bit at any event or show to give people behind a better, not as obstructed view. Sometimes stand on the edge.

  8. What barbarian pees in a sink? I never have to worry about not seeing what’s happening in front of me. I always get the last bag of chips on the top shelf, and all the short ladies ask me for their help reaching things they can’t reach. Oh and the top of my bald head is always scratched from things other people walk under.

  9. Store things high up. There are things in the kitchen cupboards, and there’s more storage on top of the kitchen cupboards.

    I also curse any bed that has a rail at the bottom. I’m used to my feet hanging off the end, but if I can’t even do that I’ll go insane.

  10. I would speculate pissing in the sink is not that great for tall men. I am relatively short, and if I wanted to piss in the sink it would be the perfect height.
    Surely tall people are more likely to splash the toothbrushes on the side as they have a greater distance to the plug hole from the cock hole?

  11. Dust the top of the cupboards in a French maids outfit thatā€™s just a little too short and makes my butt cheeks peek out.

  12. When you’re walking on a trail you break all the spider webs with your face that everyone else walked under

  13. i complain about any car i enter. and i walk FAST AS HELL even without needing to

  14. Avoid everything attached to ceilings.. lights, fans, racks, etc .. nothing like the Skippy skip skip thumping if a ceiling fan eating your dome or the sizzle of a hot lamp on your cranium..

    Aside from that, complain how far away the ground is when I have to pick something up..

    Make really short people uncomfortable by making sure my zipper is half way down most of the time …


    Although will have to give most showers a 10/10 for belly button cleanliness..

    I remodelled my master bathroom.. my shower head is now on the ceiling with a rainmaker head on it .. I will have a shower with water above my head at least most days of the year now..

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