What inspired your sense of style?

  1. Wanting to be a lawyer or anything related to working in the office, I think this is a huge factor as to why I like dressing formally. Plus, being formal looks so clean, so it’s a plus point!

  2. Dressing up as a vampire on Halloween, I was eleven. I loved the costume, I wouldn’t take it off for a week.

    Now I’m goth.

  3. Functionality. I wear the same clothes to work at a cattle ranch, in my garden and fishing, to the grocery store and to community hall dances.

  4. If you count the simple premise of “if I like it, I’ll wear it” as inspiration, then that. If not, then nothing.

  5. Depends..

    Laziness: big shorts, big tee
    Panic mode, im getting older only young once must dress cute now: cute skirt, dress, something “feminine”

  6. My desire to learn more about fashion. I love all styles. My style is a bit of everything. I don’t gravitate towards a certain one.

    I’m inspired by other people’s styles and incorporate it into my own, taking bits and pieces here and there of all styles.

    I try to be creative and think outside the box with my style. Do things I’ve never done before. I’ll do the opposite of my style and make it work.

  7. my body type!!

    i found that the more i fixated on the cute fashion trends, the worst i felt about myself. i realized that i was picking out clothes that i would fit into, and not looking for clothes *that fit me*.
    i went thrifting a lot to explore different fashion styles and clothes types, and eventually found styles that complimented my body type

  8. My sense of style is a mix of what makes me feel comfortable and a sort of stereotypical lesbian style just so I can subtly hint at it in my day to day life

  9. Pinterest helped. I kept saving clothing/fashion I liked and noticed a pattern so I purchased clothing similar to the style that kept popping up on my pinned photos.

  10. Probably watching too much K-pop and growing up in Asia.

    Even as a 35 year old women, my closet is full of tights, pleated miniskirts, and fluffy tops

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