Like if you’re making toast or a sandwich, do you usually butter the bread so that the whole slice has some butter/spread on it or do you just apply a thin spread on the toast that leaves some parts dry and other parts buttered? Because I’ve tried to use 10g of butter per sandwich (so 5g per slice) as per the instructions but it doesn’t seem to actually cover the whole slice…

  1. Depends on what I’m buttering.

    Toast gets *a lot* more butter than bread. Crumpets get *all* the butter.

  2. On a sandwich, a thin scraping. On warm toast, a generous slather. On cold toast or crumpets, half the packet 😁

  3. The surface area of the bread, divided by the thickness of the slice, gives you the total amount of grams needed of butter

  4. A lot of serving sizes are more about fudging the nutritional information than what someone would actually use.

  5. You are supposed to have the amount you think right. Which will vary according to your calorific/nutritional needs, how often you eat it and what else your diet consists of.

  6. I don’t measure it

    I use enough to cover nearly all of the surface fairly thinly

  7. The single portion butter you get at hotels or on holidays are anywhere from 6 to 10g+ and I usually need two or three of those for one slice.

    When I’m cautious, I’ll scoop out a decent amount but make sure I’m scraping the butter onto the bread as though I’m trying to ration it. I’ve weigh the butter afterwards and I only end up using 10g or a little more with this method.

  8. Always butter all the way to the edges, regardless of how much you need to put on. Don’t go by grsms – not all bread slices are the same size!

    If putting a spread on top of the butter – marmalade, jam, Marmite, etc, then you *should* only need a thin scraping of butter (unless you’re a butter whore like me).

    If only buttering then use as much as you desire… in my case I enjoy a bit of toast on my slice of butter 😀

  9. This week has been easy… dip your bread finger’s into the butter.

    But on normal weeks, the more the better, but I’d draw the line when there is more butter than bread lol.

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