E.g. did you grow really quickly over a short period of time or slowly over a few years?

  1. I was 5 feet tall up until my junior year of highschool pretty much the shortest guy in my grade, then alll of a sudden I just remember being 6feet tall it happened out of nowhere

  2. Until 13 I was always the shortest in class, then growth kicked in and with 17 I was about 6’4″, then it slowed down until it stopped at 6’5″ at the age of 21.

  3. I don’t remember how tall I was, but I was the second tallest guy in my grade through middle school. Me and the tallest guy somehow ended up on the same rec league basketball team and were pretty much unstoppable. And then showed up to high school, I was one of the shortest in my grade.

    I remember being was 5’9″ as late as 21 years old. And figured that’s how tall I was. A few years ago, ended up getting height checked at the doctor and was just short of 6 feet tall. So grew almost 3 inches in my 20s.

  4. I grew my last couple inches between 20-22. I think it is common for males growth to stop about 21ish where females tend to stop growing mid-teens.

  5. I grew about 2” taller between 17-22. During that time I distinctly remember two different times where I got pretty intense growing pains in my shins. So I think maybe I had a growth spurt around 18 and then around 21, with the maybe a quicker but bigger one being around 18?

  6. 5’4″ at 15, 6′ at 16 and 6’2″ at 17 (now that I think about it I stopped at 17)

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