We’ve been together for almost 2 years

I have to mention that she currently wants to get into med school, and she spends like 4-5 hours a day learning chemestry and biology, and I totally understand that.

Everything was kinda fine until a few weeks ago when she started not responding to my messages for hours (like 4 hours), saying that she was napping. The thing is that I always let her know when I nap or whenever I do some things that won’t allow me to answer to her texts.

Also, she stopped asking me to hang out toghether, saying that “what’s the point of hanging out”, and she says that she’s busy learning 90% of the times I ask her out. She also says that she hates everybody and that everyone betrayed her (I have not cheated on her or anything like that).

On top of everything, she says that she can’t be nice towards me because I make her feel bad and not care about her at all, and don’t make her feel special in any way.

We had some big arguments in the past, some because of her and some because of me, but I think we’re past those.

In my view, she doesn’t give a damn about our relationship.

Any advice?

TDLR: Girlfriend finds reasons to act bad towards me and then blames everything on me and acts like she doesn’t care.

  1. Just leave her, bro. Sadly, you’re not a priority to her and she is making that known. Find someone else to be with and everything will be fine.

  2. Break up.

    Seriously. You’re not going to come back from “I can’t be nice to you.” Whatever the reason is for her change in behavior (maybe she’s too stressed for a relationship, maybe it does have to do with the past arguments, maybe it’s something completely unrelated) it doesn’t really matter.

    She’s treating you badly, she’s telling you that she’s going to keep treating you badly. Break up.

  3. Your relationship is over, you need to realize that, at this age you might think is huge and a big deal but its not, move on.

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