anyone dated a woman with ADHD? How was that experience?

  1. My wife has ADHD, as do I. It presents itself in a very different way for her than it does for me, and any amount of mess is borderline incapacitating because it just absorbs her attention.

    Quite annoying.

  2. Wife has it. There are some struggles for sure. Her’s is not well managed by medication.

  3. I dated a chick with either ADD or ADHD… I can’t remember which one it was, honestly. But it was mostly okay, but definitely frustrating at times.

    And when she took her Adderall, she was irritated by everything and would try starting an argument over stupid things. So I preferred her off of it, but then she would space out, forget things, etc.

    I wouldn’t not date someone with either ADD or ADHD again, but I wouldn’t seek it out either haha.

  4. My ex fiance had either ADD or ADHD and she would space out a lot and forget things. I was always ok with it but she was always insecure about that and other things that stemmed from it. The insecurities were way worse to deal with.

  5. Women with ADHD are the best. As an autstic fuck, I vibe with them far better than neurotypical people.

    If you’re wondering what neurotypical means, it means your brain is normal. I don’t like that. My brain is fucked and wired all wrong, so you and I can’t vibe well. I vibe better with people whose brains are also fucked like mine. I love you.

  6. Gf has adhd. Very rarely does it cause problems and when it does, it’s always her getting annoyed with herself. It’s just part of her, and I love her like crazy

  7. I was/am, have been dating a girl with ADHD. She is a sweetheart. I may be somewhat autistic and as someone else commented it’s a lot easier for me to relate to someone who’s had some kind of mental struggles of their own. Communication has been hard at times though but even still I’ve had a better time with her than anyone else I’ve dated by far. I definitely wouldn’t not date someone because they have it. You just need to learn how best to support it. I am still trying to learn but I mean if you really like someone it should be worth it

  8. Both my gf and I have ADHD, mine is more severe but we are both medicated.

    Do you have any specific questions or need advice on handling anything?

  9. Marrying one and I have it. It can be annoying, but we are each finding out our “characteristics” and help each other with them if they get too bad.

  10. Currently doing that. She’s wonderful & very passionate although sometimes I feel a bit of a struggle trying to express myself to her without giving info overload that makes her brain want to turn away

    Otherwise she makes me feel amazing on a daily basis. I’ve never felt this much chemistry before in my life

  11. I have pretty severe ADHD-PI and autism so dating a girl with ADHD would be nice because we would understand each other better I believe

  12. My wife has ADHD and is on the autism spectrum. She’s awesome. She benefits from some of my more stable, routine based ideas but she definitely brings a vibrancy and ability to think outside the box that my life was missing before her

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