I had a sleepover at a friend’s house. There were a couple of our friends and my friend’s cousin was also there as she came to stay there for a few days. We were all almost 19-20 years old. We ordered food and watched a couple of movies. By around 4 AM, everyone was asleep except me and her.
We started talking a bit. It wasn’t like much happened that night except a few things

1) She asked me if I had a gf. I said no
2) She asked me to show my abs. I couldn’t cause I don’t have abs but I have a flat stomach so she probably assumed I had abs.
3) She asked me if I had seen Fifty shades of grey and talked some more about it.

We met again around six months later and she asked me again to show my abs.
We exchanged numbers and kept in touch for a while but just as friends.
Now I haven’t seen or heard from her in 3 years and I know it’s too late but I can’t get her out of my head and think about her everyday no matter who I’m with.
I know probably nothing can happen now but I just wanna know if she liked me at all to give my mind peace.

PS: I also know that I also might be completely naive to think she liked me because all of these events individually might be her trying to just make small talk.

TL;DR- I met a girl once and few times after that. We were barely friends. She showed some signs that she likes me but I’m not sure. Based on detailed description of our talks, do you think she liked me?

  1. Sounds like it to me. You should’ve taken a shot when you had the chance.

    But now you should probably seek a professional therapist to talk to, in order to figure out why you’re still obsessing over her after 3 years of no contact. Sorry, but *that’s* not healthy and could get worse if you don’t nip it in the bud.

  2. I think she was interested. But not acting on it, perhaps she might have just moved on

  3. i have regrets and messups like this in the past where i didnt take more action or do the the first move. i think about them from time to time, but it never gets to be more serious than ‘hah i was such an idiot’ and move on back to my current situation. definitely talk to someone about why its so serious to you.

    but yeah i think she was interested if you tried to make a move. the thing is, even past the first few moves, first, second, or third date, you may not have even worked out. you never really know, there are infinite paths it coulda gone. the only things i could really ever imagine from the past is the first couple intimate moves that could have been done, nothing about building lives together – way too optimistic for me haha

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