I am a super quiet person so I never really expect to get any attention.

Sometimes they will make comments or jokes towards me (not in a negative way), and I either laugh, or ususally since its online, I end up just typing “lol” because I cant think of a response.

They tend to talk while we play and I find it hard to come up with a response but cant think of one, and if i do i usually think about it since we are fighting

Someone the other day commented on how i type “lol” a lot and its true, it bothers me, because i wish i had more to say than just being basic.

I am better in one on one conversations, any more than 2 people (including me) i struggle making any conversation or giving any response.

Ive also been told (in the past, not by this group) im boring or not funny, or that i just give basic or boring responses, which makes me much more hesistant to even try.

At the same time i want it to be natural and not forced, and i know if i even try it will be bad.

  1. Turn the joke around on them in a creative way, leaves them scratching there heads like “the fuck did he just say?”

  2. You can try to continue on by roasting yourself in a funny way, this way you can control what’s being said about you because you say it yourself, plus it may give them a laugh and you can’t offend anyone accidentally by joking about them in turn. I find it easy because I know myself and can easily come up with something.

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