Hey all,

I’m a 22M with basically no proper dating experience. My most serious relationship was long-distance, and there’s little else, so I’m pretty conscious of my lack of experience. With that in mind, I really want to put myself out there in the dating scene proper, and am considering going with a Hinge profile to do just that.

But, one thing I am concerned about is if being inexperienced is a bad match for dating apps, so I’m asking: are dating apps a good place to start dating? What are some things someone with basically no experience should know when using them?

Any advice or experience to share would be appreciated!

  1. From what I’m seeing in this sub, and take it with a grain of salt, Tinder is an actual, literal cesspool and even considering going on there is a waste of time unless you’re literally perfect.

    I’m hearing better things about Hinge, OKCupid, and Bumble. Sometimes.

  2. I’m someone who hasn’t ever used a dating app, but can compare my experiences against friends, family and colleagues who have. I’m of the opinion that pretty much no one should be using them as they exist/are used today for the purposes of *dating*.

    As a meat market to find someone attractive to bone down with for the evening? Sure, they’re fantastic for that.

    They reduce human beings to baseball cards, just a pic and some stats.

    They almost completely negate/offer no real way to present the elements of someone’s personality or attitudes, and those are kind of important for interpersonal connections and romantic attachments.

    Aspects of someone’s personality you could pick up on and make a determination about in *thirty seconds* of conversation face to face can take *weeks* of messaging back and forth to suss out.

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