I’ve been dating a girl for a couple of months, and have recently started to feel doubts. They’ve been there before, but now they don’t go away.

I think they started because of lack of communication. Neither of us have been good at it, and I think some issues have been building up. I want to try and work on that.

My problem is that the doubt is related to if I actually want to keep dating her. Like if we are a good match, and it isn’t directly related to those unresolved issues.

Could these thoughts be because of build up anger or is it a sign I don’t want to keep dating her? Has anyone experienced something similar?

1 comment
  1. I made the mistake to keep dating my ex even though I had the same problem. In the end I broke up because it didn’t worked for me. If you feeling doubts for the second time while dating it might be a sign you should let the person go, most of the time you’re not meant to be.

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