How does one get someone to back off in the most unproblematic way? Without having to include others ( family, friends..) what do you do when you’re uncomfortable? How to relax?

  1. You be upfront and honest. Turn people down. Don’t let them linger. I don’t know what to say without more details about your situation. Good luck

  2. Tell them you’d love to chat, but can he please wait till you’ve moved, as you’ve already buried as many exes as you have room for under your current patio.

  3. Direct, clear communication.
    If nothing else helps, I’ll be rather rude to get the message out.
    Last option are threats.

  4. Is this a creep that you know or knows your family or is this just random creeps throughout the day?

  5. I straight up ignore them, don’t look at them, don’t respond to them and keep walking.

  6. They say something I say something worse they get uncomfortable I keep going until they leave or I just bully them with you’re mum jokes .

  7. Either ignore or be direct and have situational awareness. If you dont think you are good with fight then you probably are not, so you have to finesse your speech. Though even most martial art practitioners recommend fleeing before fighting for many reasons, you may die or kill the aggressor.

    Most will back off upon rejection but some of the lot get aggravated even more, so we mostly ignore not to take that change.

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